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[src/trunk]: src/distrib/macppc/floppies/bootfloppy convert to NDWO ustar boo...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 525727:2559f426a1f6
user:      lukem <>
date:      Tue Apr 16 09:16:21 2002 +0000

convert to NDWO ustar bootfloppy creation process.
xxx; untested


 distrib/macppc/floppies/bootfloppy/Makefile |  100 +++------------------------
 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diffs (111 lines):

diff -r d027cec57909 -r 2559f426a1f6 distrib/macppc/floppies/bootfloppy/Makefile
--- a/distrib/macppc/floppies/bootfloppy/Makefile       Tue Apr 16 09:08:01 2002 +0000
+++ b/distrib/macppc/floppies/bootfloppy/Makefile       Tue Apr 16 09:16:21 2002 +0000
@@ -1,93 +1,21 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2002/04/14 03:16:13 tsutsui Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2002/04/16 09:16:21 lukem Exp $
 .include <>
 .include "${_SRC_TOP_}/distrib/"
-.include <>
-BASENAME=      boot
-IMAGE1=                ${BASENAME}1.fs
-DISKSIZE=      2880
-FSTMP=         ustar.tmp
-MDEC=          ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec
-BOOT=          ofwboot
-KERNDIR!=      cd ${.CURDIR}/../md-kernel && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
-KERN=          ${KERNDIR}/netbsd.INSTALL.gz
-CLEANFILES+=   netbsd ${BOOT} ${FSTMP}
+FLOPPYBASE=    boot
+FLOPPYSIZE=    2880
+FLOPPYFILES=   boot netbsd
+FLOPPYINSTDIR= installation/floppy
-realall: netbsd ${BOOT}
-       ${PAX} -wvf ${FSTMP} ${BOOT} netbsd
-       @echo
-       @echo Making disk number one
-       dd bs=8k seek=1 count=$$((${DISKSIZE} / 16 - 1)) \
-           if=${FSTMP} of=${IMAGE1}.tmp
-       @echo "installing new bootblocks"
-       ${MDEC}/installboot -v -b 17 ${BOOT} ${MDEC}/bootxx ${IMAGE1}.tmp
-               # XXXDISTRIB
-       @ls -l ${FSTMP} | (read mode links uid gid size junk; \
-               dksize=$$((${DISKSIZE} * 512 - 8 * 1024)); \
-               disks=$$(($$size / $$dksize + 1)); \
-               if test $$size -gt $$dksize; then \
-                       d=2; \
-                       while test $$d -le $$disks; do \
-                               echo; \
-                               echo Making disk number $$d.; \
-                               IMAGE=${BASENAME}$${d}.fs; \
-                               echo USTARFS $$d > $${IMAGE}; \
-                               skip=$$((($$d - 1) * (${DISKSIZE} / 16 - 1))); \
-                               if test $$d -eq $$disks; then \
-                                       dd bs=8k seek=1 skip=$${skip} \
-                                               conv=sync \
-                                               if=${FSTMP} of=$${IMAGE}; \
-                               else \
-                                       dd bs=8k seek=1 skip=$${skip} \
-                                           conv=sync \
-                                           count=$$((${DISKSIZE} / 16 - 1)) \
-                                               if=${FSTMP} of=$${IMAGE}; \
-                               fi; \
-                               d=$$(($$d + 1)); \
-                       done; \
-               else \
-                       dd seek=$$(($${size} / 512 + 15)) count=1 \
-                               if=/dev/zero of=${IMAGE1}.tmp; \
-               fi; \
-               echo; \
-               bytes=$$(($$dksize * $$disks - $$size)); \
-               echo "There are $$bytes ($$(($$bytes / 1024))K) bytes free\
-                       on disk $$disks."; \
-       )
-       mv -f ${IMAGE1}.tmp ${IMAGE1}
+MDEC=          ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec
+KERNOBJ!=      cd ${.CURDIR}/../md-kernel && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
+FLOPPY_BOOT=   ${MDEC}/ofwboot
+#      XXXDISTRIB: need MI installboot for macppc
+FLOPPYINSTBOOT=        "${MDEC}/installboot -v -b 17 boot ${MDEC}/bootxx @IMAGE@"
-# Let the kernel on the diskette be called "netbsd" although
-# it is compressed.  This is because the boot code will search
-# for "netbsd" first, and calling it "netbsd" instead of "netbsd.gz"
-# we avoid scanning all the diskettes before reading the file.
-netbsd: ${KERN}
-       rm -f netbsd
-       cp ${KERN} netbsd
+.include "${DISTRIBDIR}/common/Makefile.tarfloppy"
-# This is "cheating", just so that we have the available
-# space at the start of the tar file.  Installboot will overwrite
-# the start of the bootcode with the tail end of the "real", aligned
-# second-stage boot loader when it is run (which is quite a bit shorter
-# than the entire ${BOOTCODE} file, even when symbols are removed.
-# (the first 15*512 bytes are put into the first 8K filesystem block,
-# around the disklabel)
-${BOOT}: ${MDEC}/${BOOT}
-       rm -f ${BOOT}
-       cp ${MDEC}/${BOOT} ${BOOT}
-release: check_RELEASEDIR
-       -mkdir -p ${RELEASEDIR}/installation/floppy
-       ${RELINSTALL} ${BASENAME}?.fs ${RELEASEDIR}/installation/floppy
-clean cleandir distclean:
-       rm -f *.core ${CLEANFILES} ${BASENAME}?.fs ${IMAGE1}.tmp
-.include <>
-.include <>
+.include <>

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