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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch Use <powerpc/powerpc/trap_subr.S>

branches:  trunk
changeset: 499292:45b24716446e
user:      thorpej <>
date:      Thu Nov 16 05:34:03 2000 +0000

Use <powerpc/powerpc/trap_subr.S>


 sys/arch/bebox/bebox/locore.s   |  931 +--------------------------------------
 sys/arch/macppc/macppc/locore.S |  961 +---------------------------------------
 sys/arch/ofppc/ofppc/locore.S   |  930 +--------------------------------------
 sys/arch/prep/prep/locore.s     |  931 +--------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3738 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 3849 to 300 lines):

diff -r 92b49b6451d9 -r 45b24716446e sys/arch/bebox/bebox/locore.s
--- a/sys/arch/bebox/bebox/locore.s     Thu Nov 16 05:33:04 2000 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/bebox/bebox/locore.s     Thu Nov 16 05:34:03 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.18 2000/08/21 18:46:03 tsubai Exp $       */
+/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.19 2000/11/16 05:34:03 thorpej Exp $      */
 /*     $OpenBSD: locore.S,v 1.4 1997/01/26 09:06:38 rahnds Exp $       */
@@ -400,574 +400,8 @@
- * Data used during primary/secondary traps/interrupts
- */
-#define        tempsave        0x2e0   /* primary save area for trap handling */
-#define        disisave        0x3e0   /* primary save area for dsi/isi traps */
-#define        INTSTK  (8*1024)        /* 8K interrupt stack */
-       .data
-       .align  4
-       .space  INTSTK          /* interrupt stack */
-       .long   -1              /* in-use marker */
-#define        SPILLSTK 1024           /* 1K spill stack */
-       .comm   spillstk,SPILLSTK,8
- * This code gets copied to all the trap vectors
- * (except ISI/DSI, ALI, the interrupts, and possibly the debugging 
- * traps when using IPKDB).
- */
-       .text
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(trapcode),_C_LABEL(trapsize)
-       mtsprg  1,1                     /* save SP */
-       stmw    28,tempsave(0)          /* free r28-r31 */
-       mflr    28                      /* save LR */
-       mfcr    29                      /* save CR */
-/* Test whether we already had PR set */
-       mfsrr1  31
-       mtcr    31
-       bc      4,17,1f                 /* branch if PSL_PR is clear */
-       lis     1,_C_LABEL(curpcb)@ha
-       lwz     1,_C_LABEL(curpcb)@l(1)
-       addi    1,1,USPACE              /* stack is top of user struct */
-       bla     s_trap
-_C_LABEL(trapsize) = .-_C_LABEL(trapcode)
- * For ALI: has to save DSISR and DAR
- */
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(alitrap),_C_LABEL(alisize)
-       mtsprg  1,1                     /* save SP */
-       stmw    28,tempsave(0)          /* free r28-r31 */
-       mfdar   30
-       mfdsisr 31
-       stmw    30,tempsave+16(0)
-       mflr    28                      /* save LR */
-       mfcr    29                      /* save CR */
-/* Test whether we already had PR set */
-       mfsrr1  31
-       mtcr    31
-       bc      4,17,1f                 /* branch if PSL_PR is clear */
-       lis     1,_C_LABEL(curpcb)@ha
-       lwz     1,_C_LABEL(curpcb)@l(1)
-       addi    1,1,USPACE              /* stack is top of user struct */
-       bla     s_trap
-_C_LABEL(alisize) = .-_C_LABEL(alitrap)
- * Similar to the above for DSI
- * Has to handle BAT spills
- * and standard pagetable spills
- */
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(dsitrap),_C_LABEL(dsisize)
-       stmw    28,disisave(0)          /* free r28-r31 */
-       mfcr    29                      /* save CR */
-       mfxer   30                      /* save XER */
-       mtsprg  2,30                    /* in SPRG2 */
-       mfsrr1  31                      /* test kernel mode */
-       mtcr    31
-       bc      12,17,1f                /* branch if PSL_PR is set */
-       mfdar   31                      /* get fault address */
-       rlwinm  31,31,7,25,28           /* get segment * 8 */
-       /* get batu */
-       addis   31,31,_C_LABEL(battable)@ha
-       lwz     30,_C_LABEL(battable)@l(31)
-       mtcr    30
-       bc      4,30,1f                 /* branch if supervisor valid is
-                                          false */
-       /* get batl */
-       lwz     31,_C_LABEL(battable)+4@l(31)
-/* We randomly use the highest two bat registers here */
-       mftb    28
-       andi.   28,28,1
-       bne     2f
-       mtdbatu 2,30
-       mtdbatl 2,31
-       b       3f
-       mtdbatu 3,30
-       mtdbatl 3,31
-       mfsprg  30,2                    /* restore XER */
-       mtxer   30
-       mtcr    29                      /* restore CR */
-       lmw     28,disisave(0)          /* restore r28-r31 */
-       rfi                             /* return to trapped code */
-       mflr    28                      /* save LR */
-       bla     s_dsitrap
-_C_LABEL(dsisize) = .-_C_LABEL(dsitrap)
- * Similar to the above for ISI
- */
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(isitrap),_C_LABEL(isisize)
-       stmw    28,disisave(0)          /* free r28-r31 */
-       mflr    28                      /* save LR */
-       mfcr    29                      /* save CR */
-       mfsrr1  31                      /* test kernel mode */
-       mtcr    31
-       bc      12,17,1f                /* branch if PSL_PR is set */
-       mfsrr0  31                      /* get fault address */
-       rlwinm  31,31,7,25,28           /* get segment * 8 */
-       /* get batu */
-       addis   31,31,_C_LABEL(battable)@ha
-       lwz     30,_C_LABEL(battable)@l(31)
-       mtcr    30
-       bc      4,30,1f                 /* branch if supervisor valid is
-                                          false */
-       mtibatu 3,30
-       /* get batl */
-       lwz     30,_C_LABEL(battable)+4@l(31)
-       mtibatl 3,30
-       mtcr    29                      /* restore CR */
-       lmw     28,disisave(0)          /* restore r28-r31 */
-       rfi                             /* return to trapped code */
-       bla     s_isitrap
-_C_LABEL(isisize)= .-_C_LABEL(isitrap)
- * This one for the external interrupt handler.
- */
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(extint),_C_LABEL(extsize)
-       mtsprg  1,1                     /* save SP */
-       stmw    28,tempsave(0)          /* free r28-r31 */
-       mflr    28                      /* save LR */
-       mfcr    29                      /* save CR */
-       mfxer   30                      /* save XER */
-       lis     1,intstk+INTSTK@ha      /* get interrupt stack */
-       addi    1,1,intstk+INTSTK@l
-       lwz     31,0(1)                 /* were we already running on intstk? */
-       addic.  31,31,1
-       stw     31,0(1)
-       beq     1f
-       mfsprg  1,1                     /* yes, get old SP */
-       ba      extintr
-_C_LABEL(extsize) = .-_C_LABEL(extint)
- * And this one for the decrementer interrupt handler.
- */
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(decrint),_C_LABEL(decrsize)
-       mtsprg  1,1                     /* save SP */
-       stmw    28,tempsave(0)          /* free r28-r31 */
-       mflr    28                      /* save LR */
-       mfcr    29                      /* save CR */
-       mfxer   30                      /* save XER */
-       lis     1,intstk+INTSTK@ha      /* get interrupt stack */
-       addi    1,1,intstk+INTSTK@l
-       lwz     31,0(1)                 /* were we already running on intstk? */
-       addic.  31,31,1
-       stw     31,0(1)
-       beq     1f
-       mfsprg  1,1                     /* yes, get old SP */
-       ba      decrintr
-_C_LABEL(decrsize) = .-_C_LABEL(decrint)
- * Now the tlb software load for 603 processors:
- * (Code essentially from the 603e User Manual, Chapter 5, but
- * corrected a lot.)
- */
-#define        DMISS   976
-#define        DCMP    977
-#define        HASH1   978
-#define        HASH2   979
-#define        IMISS   980
-#define        ICMP    981
-#define        RPA     982
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(tlbimiss),_C_LABEL(tlbimsize)
-       mfspr   2,HASH1                 /* get first pointer */
-       li      1,8
-       mfctr   0                       /* save counter */
-       mfspr   3,ICMP                  /* get first compare value */
-       addi    2,2,-8                  /* predec pointer */
-       mtctr   1                       /* load counter */
-       lwzu    1,8(2)                  /* get next pte */
-       cmpl    0,1,3                   /* see if found pte */
-       bdneq   2b                      /* loop if not eq */
-       bne     3f                      /* not found */
-       lwz     1,4(2)                  /* load tlb entry lower word */
-       andi.   3,1,8                   /* check G-bit */
-       bne     4f                      /* if guarded, take ISI */
-       mtctr   0                       /* restore counter */
-       mfspr   0,IMISS                 /* get the miss address for the tlbli */
-       mfsrr1  3                       /* get the saved cr0 bits */
-       mtcrf   0x80,3                  /* and restore */
-       ori     1,1,0x100               /* set the reference bit */
-       mtspr   RPA,1                   /* set the pte */
-       srwi    1,1,8                   /* get byte 7 of pte */
-       tlbli   0                       /* load the itlb */
-       stb     1,6(2)                  /* update page table */
-       rfi
-3:     /* not found in pteg */
-       andi.   1,3,0x40                /* have we already done second hash? */
-       bne     5f
-       mfspr   2,HASH2                 /* get the second pointer */
-       ori     3,3,0x40                /* change the compare value */
-       li      1,8
-       addi    2,2,-8                  /* predec pointer */
-       b       1b
-4:     /* guarded */
-       mfsrr1  3
-       andi.   2,3,0xffff              /* clean upper srr1 */
-       oris    2,2,0x8000000@h         /* set srr<4> to flag prot violation */
-       b       6f
-5:     /* not found anywhere */
-       mfsrr1  3
-       andi.   2,3,0xffff              /* clean upper srr1 */
-       oris    2,2,0x40000000@h        /* set srr1<1> to flag pte not found */
-       mtctr   0                       /* restore counter */
-       mtsrr1  2
-       mfmsr   0
-       xoris   0,0,0x20000@h           /* flip the msr<tgpr> bit */
-       mtcrf   0x80,3                  /* restore cr0 */
-       mtmsr   0                       /* now with native gprs */
-       isync
-       ba      EXC_ISI
-_C_LABEL(tlbimsize) = .-_C_LABEL(tlbimiss)
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(tlbdlmiss),_C_LABEL(tlbdlmsize)
-       mfspr   2,HASH1                 /* get first pointer */
-       li      1,8
-       mfctr   0                       /* save counter */
-       mfspr   3,DCMP                  /* get first compare value */
-       addi    2,2,-8                  /* predec pointer */
-       mtctr   1                       /* load counter */
-       lwzu    1,8(2)                  /* get next pte */
-       cmpl    0,1,3                   /* see if found pte */
-       bdneq   2b                      /* loop if not eq */
-       bne     3f                      /* not found */
-       lwz     1,4(2)                  /* load tlb entry lower word */
-       mtctr   0                       /* restore counter */
-       mfspr   0,DMISS                 /* get the miss address for the tlbld */
-       mfsrr1  3                       /* get the saved cr0 bits */
-       mtcrf   0x80,3                  /* and restore */
-       ori     1,1,0x100               /* set the reference bit */
-       mtspr   RPA,1                   /* set the pte */
-       srwi    1,1,8                   /* get byte 7 of pte */
-       tlbld   0                       /* load the dtlb */
-       stb     1,6(2)                  /* update page table */
-       rfi
-3:     /* not found in pteg */
-       andi.   1,3,0x40                /* have we already done second hash? */
-       bne     5f
-       mfspr   2,HASH2                 /* get the second pointer */
-       ori     3,3,0x40                /* change the compare value */
-       li      1,8
-       addi    2,2,-8                  /* predec pointer */

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