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[src/netbsd-1-5]: src/distrib/notes/common Pull up revisions 1.21-1.23, 1.25-...

branches:  netbsd-1-5
changeset: 491781:a91ce4e8389c
user:      jhawk <>
date:      Mon May 21 02:06:07 2001 +0000

Pull up revisions 1.21-1.23, 1.25-1.26 via patch (requested by jhawk):
        Synchronize common part of release notes with the trunk.


 distrib/notes/common/postinstall |  30 ++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diffs (65 lines):

diff -r 5bdd32f07826 -r a91ce4e8389c distrib/notes/common/postinstall
--- a/distrib/notes/common/postinstall  Mon May 21 01:58:33 2001 +0000
+++ b/distrib/notes/common/postinstall  Mon May 21 02:06:07 2001 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"    $NetBSD: postinstall,v 2001/05/15 22:38:58 he Exp $
+.\"    $NetBSD: postinstall,v 2001/05/21 02:06:07 jhawk Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 1999-2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 .\" All rights reserved.
@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@
 and press
 .Key RETURN .
+You may need to type one of the following commands to get your delete key
+to work properly, depending on your keyboard:
+.Dl # Ic "stty erase '^h'"
+.Dl # Ic "stty erase '^?'"
 At this point, you need to configure at least
 one file in the
 .Pa /etc
@@ -272,25 +276,18 @@
 .Lk ,
 usually in the
 .Pa \*V/\*M/All
-subdir.  You can install them with the following commands (line
-continued to show entire line in 80 coloumn output, there's obviously
-no requirement to repeat that):
+subdir.  You can install them with the following commands:
-.Ic # export\ PKG_PATH=\e
-.Ic packages/\*V/\*M/All
+.Bd -unfilled
+.Ic # export\ PKG_PATH=\*V/\*M/All
 .Ic # pkg_add -v tcsh
 .Ic # pkg_add -v cvs
 .Ic # pkg_add -v apache
 .Ic # pkg_add -v perl
-.Ic \&...
-These commands will install the tcsh shell, the CVS source code
+The above commands will install the tcsh shell, the CVS source code
 management system, the Apache web server and
 the perl programming language as well as all the packages they
 depend on. 
@@ -300,9 +297,10 @@
 They are typically extracted into
 .Pa /usr/pkgsrc
-(though other locations work fine), as with the command:
+(though other locations work fine), with the commands:
-.Dl # Ic "mkdir /usr/pkgsrc; tar -C /usr/pkgsrc -zxpf pkgsrc.tar.gz"
+.Dl # Ic "mkdir /usr/pkgsrc"
+.Dl # Ic "( cd /usr/pkgsrc ; tar -zxpf - ) < pkgsrc.tar.gz"
 After extracting, then see the

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