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[src/netbsd-1-5]: src/usr.sbin/dhcp Pull up revision (requested by me...

branches:  netbsd-1-5
changeset: 491107:ee2528da49b8
user:      he <>
date:      Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000

Pull up revision (requested by mellon):
  Update DHCP software to ISC version 3, Beta 2, Patchlevel 23.


 usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/cf/rhapsody.h   |    1 +
 usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/isc/result.h    |  123 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/statement.h     |    2 +
 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/Makefile.dist    |    6 +-
 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkquery.c    |   22 +++--
 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkupdate.c   |   39 +++++----
 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_query.c      |   95 +++++++++++++++----------
 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_send.c       |   66 +++++++++++------
 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_sendsigned.c |   62 ++++++---------
 usr.sbin/dhcp/omapip/result.c          |   20 +++++-
 10 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 991 to 300 lines):

diff -r b9df1e53f7a8 -r ee2528da49b8 usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/cf/rhapsody.h
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/cf/rhapsody.h      Wed Apr 04 20:56:24 2001 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/cf/rhapsody.h      Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 #include <net/if_dl.h>
 #include <net/route.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
+#import <net/if_arp.h>
 #define ifr_netmask ifr_addr
diff -r b9df1e53f7a8 -r ee2528da49b8 usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/isc/result.h
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/isc/result.h       Wed Apr 04 20:56:24 2001 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/isc/result.h       Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000
@@ -25,58 +25,79 @@
-#define ISC_R_SUCCESS                  0
-#define ISC_R_NOMEMORY                 1
-#define ISC_R_TIMEDOUT                 2
-#define ISC_R_NOTHREADS                        3
-#define ISC_R_ADDRNOTAVAIL             4
-#define ISC_R_ADDRINUSE                        5
-#define ISC_R_NOPERM                   6
-#define ISC_R_NOCONN                   7
-#define ISC_R_NETUNREACH               8
-#define ISC_R_HOSTUNREACH              9
-#define ISC_R_NETDOWN                  10
-#define ISC_R_HOSTDOWN                 11
-#define ISC_R_CONNREFUSED              12
-#define ISC_R_NORESOURCES              13      /* not enough resources */
-#define ISC_R_EOF                      14      /* end of file */
-#define ISC_R_BOUND                    15      /* already bound */
-#define ISC_R_TASKDONE                 16      /* task is done */
-#define ISC_R_LOCKBUSY                 17
-#define ISC_R_EXISTS                   18
-#define ISC_R_NOSPACE                  19      /* ran out of space */
-#define ISC_R_CANCELED                 20
-#define ISC_R_TASKNOSEND               21
-#define ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN             22      /* shutting down */
-#define ISC_R_NOTFOUND                 23
-#define ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND            24      /* unexpected end of input */
-#define ISC_R_FAILURE                  25      /* generic failure */
-#define ISC_R_IOERROR                  26
-#define ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED           27
-#define ISC_R_UNBALANCED               28
-#define ISC_R_NOMORE                   29
-#define ISC_R_INVALIDFILE              30
-#define ISC_R_BADBASE64                        31
-#define ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDTOKEN          32
-#define ISC_R_QUOTA                    33
-#define ISC_R_UNEXPECTED               34
-#define ISC_R_ALREADYRUNNING           35
-#define ISC_R_HOSTUNKNOWN              36
-#define ISC_R_VERSIONMISMATCH          37
-#define ISC_R_PROTOCOLERROR            38
-#define ISC_R_INVALIDARG               39
-#define ISC_R_NOTCONNECTED             40
-#define ISC_R_NOTYET                   41
-#define ISC_R_UNCHANGED                        42
-#define ISC_R_MULTIPLE                 43
-#define ISC_R_KEYCONFLICT              44
-#define ISC_R_BADPARSE                 45
-#define ISC_R_NOKEYS                   46
-#define ISC_R_KEY_UNKNOWN              47
-#define ISC_R_INVALIDKEY               48
-#define ISC_R_INCOMPLETE               49
+typedef enum {
+       ISC_R_SUCCESS = 0,
+       ISC_R_NOMEMORY = 1,
+       ISC_R_TIMEDOUT = 2,
+       ISC_R_NOTHREADS = 3,
+       ISC_R_ADDRINUSE = 5,
+       ISC_R_NOPERM = 6,
+       ISC_R_NOCONN = 7,
+       ISC_R_NETUNREACH = 8,
+       ISC_R_HOSTUNREACH = 9,
+       ISC_R_NETDOWN = 10,
+       ISC_R_HOSTDOWN = 11,
+       ISC_R_CONNREFUSED = 12,
+       ISC_R_NORESOURCES = 13,
+       ISC_R_EOF = 14,
+       ISC_R_BOUND = 15,
+       ISC_R_TASKDONE = 16,
+       ISC_R_LOCKBUSY = 17,
+       ISC_R_EXISTS = 18,
+       ISC_R_NOSPACE = 19,
+       ISC_R_CANCELED = 20,
+       ISC_R_TASKNOSEND = 21,
+       ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN = 22,
+       ISC_R_NOTFOUND = 23,
+       ISC_R_FAILURE = 25,
+       ISC_R_IOERROR = 26,
+       ISC_R_UNBALANCED = 28,
+       ISC_R_NOMORE = 29,
+       ISC_R_INVALIDFILE = 30,
+       ISC_R_BADBASE64 = 31,
+       ISC_R_QUOTA = 33,
+       ISC_R_UNEXPECTED = 34,
+       ISC_R_HOSTUNKNOWN = 36,
+       ISC_R_INVALIDARG = 39,
+       ISC_R_NOTCONNECTED = 40,
+       ISC_R_NOTYET = 41,
+       ISC_R_UNCHANGED = 42,
+       ISC_R_MULTIPLE = 43,
+       ISC_R_KEYCONFLICT = 44,
+       ISC_R_BADPARSE = 45,
+       ISC_R_NOKEYS = 46,
+       ISC_R_KEY_UNKNOWN = 47,
+       ISC_R_INVALIDKEY = 48,
+       ISC_R_INCOMPLETE = 49,
+       ISC_R_FORMERR = 50,
+       ISC_R_SERVFAIL = 51,
+       ISC_R_NXDOMAIN = 52,
+       ISC_R_NOTIMPL = 53,
+       ISC_R_REFUSED = 54,
+       ISC_R_YXDOMAIN = 55,
+       ISC_R_YXRRSET = 56,
+       ISC_R_NXRRSET = 57,
+       ISC_R_NOTAUTH = 58,
+       ISC_R_NOTZONE = 59,
+       ISC_R_BADSIG = 60,
+       ISC_R_BADKEY = 61,
+       ISC_R_BADTIME = 62,
+       ISC_R_NOROOTZONE = 63,
+       ISC_R_DESTADDRREQ = 64,
+       ISC_R_CROSSZONE = 65,
+       ISC_R_NO_TSIG = 66,
+       ISC_R_NOT_EQUAL = 67
+} isc_result_t;
-#define ISC_R_NRESULTS                         50      /* Number of results */
+#define ISC_R_NRESULTS                         68      /* Number of results */
 const char *           isc_result_totext(isc_result_t);
 isc_result_t           isc_result_register(unsigned int base,
diff -r b9df1e53f7a8 -r ee2528da49b8 usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/statement.h
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/statement.h        Wed Apr 04 20:56:24 2001 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/includes/statement.h        Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
        int refcnt;
        struct executable_statement *next;
        enum statement_op {
+               null_statement,
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
 #                      define ON_COMMIT  1
 #                      define ON_EXPIRY  2
 #                      define ON_RELEASE 4
+#                      define ON_TRANSMISSION 8
                        struct executable_statement *statements;
                } on;
                struct {
diff -r b9df1e53f7a8 -r ee2528da49b8 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/Makefile.dist
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/Makefile.dist       Wed Apr 04 20:56:24 2001 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/Makefile.dist       Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@
 SRC    = res_mkupdate.c res_init.c res_update.c res_send.c res_comp.c \
         res_sendsigned.c res_findzonecut.c res_query.c res_mkquery.c \
         ns_date.c ns_parse.c ns_sign.c ns_name.c ns_samedomain.c ns_verify.c \
-        dst_api.c hmac_link.c md5_dgst.c prandom.c support.c base64.c
+        toisc.c
 OBJ    = res_mkupdate.o res_init.o res_update.o res_send.o res_comp.o \
         res_sendsigned.o res_findzonecut.o res_query.o res_mkquery.o \
         ns_date.o ns_parse.o ns_sign.o ns_name.o ns_samedomain.o ns_verify.o \
-        dst_api.o hmac_link.o md5_dgst.o prandom.o support.o base64.o
-HDRS   = dst_internal.h md5.h md5_locl.h
+        toisc.o
-DEBUG  = -g
 INCLUDES = $(BINDINC) -I$(TOP)/includes
diff -r b9df1e53f7a8 -r ee2528da49b8 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkquery.c
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkquery.c       Wed Apr 04 20:56:24 2001 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkquery.c       Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
 static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)res_mkquery.c        8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93";
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: res_mkquery.c,v 2000/10/18 04:11:29 tv Exp $";
+static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: res_mkquery.c,v 2001/04/04 20:56:27 he Exp $";
 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
 #include <sys/types.h>
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
  * Form all types of queries.
  * Returns the size of the result or -1.
 res_nmkquery(res_state statp,
             int op,                    /* opcode of query */
             const char *dname,         /* domain name */
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@
             unsigned datalen,          /* length of data */
             const u_char *newrr_in,    /* new rr for modify or append */
             double *buf,               /* buffer to put query */
-            unsigned buflen)           /* size of buffer */
+            unsigned buflen,           /* size of buffer */
+            unsigned *rbuflen)         /* returned size of buffer */
        register HEADER *hp;
        register u_char *cp;
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@
         * Initialize header fields.
        if ((buf == NULL) || (buflen < HFIXEDSZ))
-               return (-1);
+               return ISC_R_INVALIDARG;
        memset(buf, 0, HFIXEDSZ);
        hp = (HEADER *) buf;
        hp->id = htons(++statp->id);
@@ -130,9 +131,9 @@
        case QUERY:     /*FALLTHROUGH*/
        case NS_NOTIFY_OP:
                if ((buflen -= QFIXEDSZ) < 0)
-                       return (-1);
+                       return ISC_R_NOSPACE;
                if ((n = dn_comp(dname, cp, buflen, dnptrs, lastdnptr)) < 0)
-                       return (-1);
+                       return ISC_R_NOSPACE;
                cp += n;
                buflen -= n;
                putUShort(cp, type);
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
                buflen -= RRFIXEDSZ;
                n = dn_comp((const char *)data, cp, buflen, dnptrs, lastdnptr);
                if (n < 0)
-                       return (-1);
+                       return ISC_R_NOSPACE;
                cp += n;
                buflen -= n;
                putUShort(cp, T_NULL);
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@
                 * Initialize answer section
                if (buflen < 1 + RRFIXEDSZ + datalen)
-                       return (-1);
+                       return ISC_R_NOSPACE;
                *cp++ = '\0';   /* no domain name */
                putUShort(cp, type);
                cp += INT16SZ;
@@ -185,7 +186,8 @@
-               return (-1);
+               return ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED;
-       return (cp - ((u_char *)buf));
+       *rbuflen = cp - ((u_char *)buf);
+       return ISC_R_SUCCESS;
diff -r b9df1e53f7a8 -r ee2528da49b8 usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkupdate.c
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkupdate.c      Wed Apr 04 20:56:24 2001 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/minires/res_mkupdate.c      Wed Apr 04 20:56:26 2001 +0000
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: res_mkupdate.c,v 2000/10/18 04:11:29 tv Exp $";
+static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: res_mkupdate.c,v 2001/04/04 20:56:27 he Exp $";
 #endif /* not lint */
 #include <sys/types.h>
@@ -47,10 +47,12 @@
 #define DEBUG
 #define MAXPORT 1024
-static int getnum_str(u_char **, u_char *);
-static int gethexnum_str(u_char **, u_char *);
-static int getword_str(char *, int, u_char **, u_char *);
-static int getstr_str(char *, int, u_char **, u_char *);
+static int getnum_str(const u_char **, const u_char *);
+static int gethexnum_str(const u_char **, const u_char *);
+static int getword_str(char *, int,
+                      const unsigned char **,
+                      const unsigned char *);
+static int getstr_str(char *, int, const u_char **, const u_char *);
 struct valuelist {
        struct valuelist *      next;
@@ -88,9 +90,9 @@
              ns_updrec *rrecp_in, double *bp, unsigned *blp) {
        ns_updrec *rrecp_start = rrecp_in;
        HEADER *hp;
-       u_char *cp, *sp1, *sp2, *startp, *endp;
-       int i, soanum, multiline;

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