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[src/netbsd-1-5]: src/usr.sbin/dhcp/client Pull up differences between 1.27 a...

branches:  netbsd-1-5
changeset: 488636:1940894795c9
user:      mellon <>
date:      Sat Jul 22 05:00:19 2000 +0000

Pull up differences between 1.27 and 1.28


 usr.sbin/dhcp/client/dhclient.c |  313 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 417 to 300 lines):

diff -r 92b51de2bc8d -r 1940894795c9 usr.sbin/dhcp/client/dhclient.c
--- a/usr.sbin/dhcp/client/dhclient.c   Sat Jul 22 04:59:41 2000 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/dhcp/client/dhclient.c   Sat Jul 22 05:00:19 2000 +0000
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 #ifndef lint
 static char ocopyright[] =
-"$Id: dhclient.c,v 2000/07/10 19:58:45 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.\n";
+"$Id: dhclient.c,v 2000/07/22 05:00:19 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.\n";
 #endif /* not lint */
 #include "dhcpd.h"
@@ -104,6 +104,10 @@
        isc_result_t result;
        int persist = 0;
        int omapi_port;
+       int no_dhclient_conf = 0;
+       int no_dhclient_db = 0;
+       int no_dhclient_pid = 0;
+       char *s;
 #ifdef SYSLOG_4_2
        openlog ("dhclient", LOG_NDELAY);
@@ -147,14 +151,17 @@
                         if (++i == argc)
                                 usage ();
                         path_dhclient_pid = argv [i];
+                       no_dhclient_pid = 1;
                 } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-cf")) {
                         if (++i == argc)
                                 usage ();
                         path_dhclient_conf = argv [i];
+                       no_dhclient_conf = 1;
                 } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-lf")) {
                         if (++i == argc)
                                 usage ();
                         path_dhclient_db = argv [i];
+                       no_dhclient_db = 1;
                } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-q")) {
                        quiet = 1;
                        quiet_interface_discovery = 1;
@@ -195,6 +202,16 @@
+       if (!no_dhclient_conf && (s = getenv ("PATH_DHCLIENT_CONF"))) {
+               path_dhclient_conf = s;
+       }
+       if (!no_dhclient_db && (s = getenv ("PATH_DHCLIENT_DB"))) {
+               path_dhclient_db = s;
+       }
+       if (!no_dhclient_pid && (s = getenv ("PATH_DHCLIENT_PID"))) {
+               path_dhclient_pid = s;
+       }
        /* first kill of any currently running client */
        if (release_mode) {
                /* XXX inelegant hack to prove concept */
@@ -2117,46 +2134,29 @@
        const char *reason;
        struct string_list *medium;
-       int fd;
+       struct string_list *sl, *next;
-       do {
-               strcpy (scriptName, "/tmp/dcsXXXXXX");
-               fd = mkstemp (scriptName);
-               if (!mktemp (scriptName))
-                       log_fatal ("can't create temporary script %s: %m",
-                                  scriptName);
-               fd = open (scriptName, O_EXCL | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0600);
-       } while (fd < 0 && errno == EEXIST);
-       if (fd < 0)
-               log_fatal ("can't create temporary script %s: %m", scriptName);
-       scriptFile = fdopen (fd, "w");
-       if (!scriptFile)
-               log_fatal ("can't write script file: %m");
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "#!/bin/sh\n\n");
        if (client) {
+               for (sl = client -> env; sl; sl = next) {
+                       next = sl -> next;
+                       dfree (sl, MDL);
+               }
+               client -> env = (struct string_list *)0;
+               client -> envc = 0;
                if (client -> interface) {
-                       fprintf (scriptFile, "interface=\"%s\"\n",
-                                client -> interface -> name);
-                       fprintf (scriptFile, "export interface\n");
+                       client_envadd (client, "", "interface", "%s",
+                                      client -> interface -> name);
                if (client -> name)
-                       fprintf (scriptFile, "client=\"%s\"\n",
-                                client -> name);
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "export client\n");
+                       client_envadd (client,
+                                      "", "client", "%s", client -> name);
+               if (medium)
+                       client_envadd (client,
+                                      "", "medium", "%s", medium -> string);
+               client_envadd (client, "", "reason", "%s", reason);
-       if (medium) {
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "medium=\"%s\"\n", medium -> string);
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "export medium\n");
-       }
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "reason=\"%s\"\n", reason);
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "export reason\n");
 void script_write_params (client, prefix, lease)
@@ -2168,10 +2168,10 @@
        struct data_string data;
        struct option_cache *oc;
        pair *hash;
+       char *s, *t;
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "%sip_address=\"%s\"\n",
-                prefix, piaddr (lease -> address));
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "export %sip_address\n", prefix);
+       client_envadd (client,
+                      prefix, "ip_address", "%s", piaddr (lease -> address));
        /* For the benefit of Linux (and operating systems which may
           have similar needs), compute the network address based on
@@ -2197,51 +2197,37 @@
                        subnet = subnet_number (lease -> address, netmask);
                        if (subnet.len) {
-                               fprintf (scriptFile,
-                                        "%snetwork_number=\"%s\";\n",
-                                        prefix, piaddr (subnet));
-                               fprintf (scriptFile,
-                                        "export %snetwork_number\n", prefix);
+                           client_envadd (client, prefix, "network_number",
+                                          "%s", piaddr (subnet));
-                               oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe,
-                                                   lease -> options,
-                                                   DHO_BROADCAST_ADDRESS);
-                               if (!oc ||
-                                   !(evaluate_option_cache
-                                     (&data, (struct packet *)0,
-                                      (struct lease *)0,
-                                      (struct option_state *)0,
-                                      lease -> options,
-                                      &global_scope, oc, MDL))) {
-                                       broadcast = broadcast_addr (subnet,
-                                                                   netmask);
-                                       if (broadcast.len) {
-                                               fprintf (scriptFile,
-                                                        "%s%s=\"%s\";\n",
-                                                        prefix,
-                                                        "broadcast_address",
-                                                        piaddr (broadcast));
-                                               fprintf (scriptFile,
-                                                        "export %s%s\n",
-                                                        prefix,
-                                                        "broadcast_address");
-                                       }
+                           oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe,
+                                               lease -> options,
+                                               DHO_BROADCAST_ADDRESS);
+                           if (!oc ||
+                               !(evaluate_option_cache
+                                 (&data, (struct packet *)0,
+                                  (struct lease *)0,
+                                  (struct option_state *)0,
+                                  lease -> options,
+                                  &global_scope, oc, MDL))) {
+                               broadcast = broadcast_addr (subnet, netmask);
+                               if (broadcast.len) {
+                                   client_envadd (client,
+                                                  prefix, "broadcast_address",
+                                                  "%s", piaddr (broadcast));
+                           }
                data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
-       if (lease -> filename) {
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "%sfilename=\"%s\";\n",
-                        prefix, lease -> filename);
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "export %sfilename\n", prefix);
-       }
-       if (lease -> server_name) {
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "%sserver_name=\"%s\";\n",
-                        prefix, lease -> server_name);
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "export %sserver_name\n", prefix);
-       }
+       if (lease -> filename)
+               client_envadd (client,
+                              prefix, "filename", "%s", lease -> filename);
+       if (lease -> server_name)
+               client_envadd (client, prefix, "server_name",
+                              "%s", lease -> server_name);
        execute_statements_in_scope ((struct packet *)0,
                                     (struct lease *)0, lease -> options,
@@ -2251,78 +2237,155 @@
        hash = lease -> options -> universes [dhcp_universe.index];
        for (i = 0; i < OPTION_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
-               pair hp;
-               for (hp = hash [i]; hp; hp = hp -> cdr) {
-                       oc = (struct option_cache *)hp -> car;
+           pair hp;
-                       if (evaluate_option_cache (&data,
-                                                  (struct packet *)0,
-                                                  (struct lease *)0,
-                                                  (struct option_state *)0,
-                                                  lease -> options,
-                                                  &global_scope, oc, MDL)) {
+           for (hp = hash [i]; hp; hp = hp -> cdr) {
+               oc = (struct option_cache *)hp -> car;
-                               if (data.len) {
-                                       char *s = (dhcp_option_ev_name
-                                                  (oc -> option));
-                                       fprintf (scriptFile,
-                                                "%s%s=\"%s\"\n", prefix, s,
-                                                (pretty_print_option
-                                                 (oc -> option -> code,
-                                        , data.len,
-                                                  0, 0)));
-                                       fprintf (scriptFile,
-                                                "export %s%s\n", prefix, s);
-                               }
-                               data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
+               if (evaluate_option_cache (&data,
+                                          (struct packet *)0,
+                                          (struct lease *)0,
+                                          (struct option_state *)0,
+                                          lease -> options,
+                                          &global_scope, oc, MDL)) {
+                   if (data.len) {
+                       char name [256];
+                       if (dhcp_option_ev_name (name, sizeof name,
+                                                oc -> option)) {
+                           client_envadd (client, prefix, name, "%s",
+                                          (pretty_print_option
+                                           (oc -> option -> code,
+                                  , data.len,
+                                            0, 0)));
+                           data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
+                   }
+           }
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "%sexpiry=\"%d\"\n",
-                prefix, (int)lease -> expiry); /* XXX */
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "export %sexpiry\n", prefix);
+       client_envadd (client, prefix, "expiry", "%d", (int)(lease -> expiry));
 int script_go (client)
        struct client_state *client;
        int rval;
+       char *scriptName;
+       char *argv [2];
+       char **envp;
+       char *epp [3];
+       char reason [] = "REASON=NBI";
+       static char client_path [] = CLIENT_PATH;
+       int i;
+       struct string_list *sp, *next;
+       int pid, wpid, wstatus;
-       if (client)
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "%s\n",
-                        client -> config -> script_name);
-       else
-               fprintf (scriptFile, "%s\n",
-                        top_level_config.script_name);
-       fprintf (scriptFile, "exit $?\n");
-       fclose (scriptFile);
-       chmod (scriptName, 0700);
-       rval = system (scriptName);     
-       if (!save_scripts)
-               unlink (scriptName);
-       return rval;
+       if (client) {

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