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[src/trunk]: src Remove xntp3 sources.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 485649:93ed92739ea2
user:      simonb <>
date:      Tue May 02 12:50:50 2000 +0000

Remove xntp3 sources.


 lib/libntp/COPYRIGHT                   |   127 -
 lib/libntp/Makefile                    |    26 -
 lib/libntp/a_md512crypt.c              |   103 -
 lib/libntp/a_md5decrypt.c              |    73 -
 lib/libntp/a_md5encrypt.c              |    86 -
 lib/libntp/adjtime.c                   |   152 -
 lib/libntp/atoint.c                    |    51 -
 lib/libntp/atolfp.c                    |   119 -
 lib/libntp/atouint.c                   |    36 -
 lib/libntp/auth12crypt.c               |   127 -
 lib/libntp/authdecrypt.c               |    84 -
 lib/libntp/authdes.c                   |    43 -
 lib/libntp/authencrypt.c               |    90 -
 lib/libntp/authkeys.c                  |   613 ----
 lib/libntp/authparity.c                |    60 -
 lib/libntp/authreadkeys.c              |   198 -
 lib/libntp/authusekey.c                |   136 -
 lib/libntp/buftvtots.c                 |    63 -
 lib/libntp/caljulian.c                 |   116 -
 lib/libntp/calleapwhen.c               |    63 -
 lib/libntp/caltontp.c                  |    43 -
 lib/libntp/calyearstart.c              |    64 -
 lib/libntp/clocktime.c                 |   133 -
 lib/libntp/clocktypes.c                |    93 -
 lib/libntp/decodenetnum.c              |    60 -
 lib/libntp/dofptoa.c                   |   119 -
 lib/libntp/dolfptoa.c                  |   163 -
 lib/libntp/emalloc.c                   |    22 -
 lib/libntp/findconfig.c                |    73 -
 lib/libntp/fptoa.c                     |    26 -
 lib/libntp/fptoms.c                    |    25 -
 lib/libntp/getopt.c                    |   109 -
 lib/libntp/hextoint.c                  |    40 -
 lib/libntp/hextolfp.c                  |    68 -
 lib/libntp/humandate.c                 |    67 -
 lib/libntp/inttoa.c                    |    21 -
 lib/libntp/lib_strbuf.c                |    28 -
 lib/libntp/lib_strbuf.h                |    31 -
 lib/libntp/machines.c                  |   256 -
 lib/libntp/memmove.c                   |   137 -
 lib/libntp/mexit.c                     |    35 -
 lib/libntp/mfptoa.c                    |    24 -
 lib/libntp/mfptoms.c                   |    24 -
 lib/libntp/modetoa.c                   |    35 -
 lib/libntp/mstolfp.c                   |   101 -
 lib/libntp/msutotsf.c                  |    37 -
 lib/libntp/msyslog.c                   |   192 -
 lib/libntp/netof.c                     |    26 -
 lib/libntp/numtoa.c                    |    25 -
 lib/libntp/numtohost.c                 |    40 -
 lib/libntp/octtoint.c                  |    36 -
 lib/libntp/prettydate.c                |    46 -
 lib/libntp/ranny.c                     |    83 -
 lib/libntp/refnumtoa.c                 |    32 -
 lib/libntp/shlib_version               |     5 -
 lib/libntp/statestr.c                  |   262 -
 lib/libntp/syssignal.c                 |   102 -
 lib/libntp/systime.c                   |   580 ----
 lib/libntp/tsftomsu.c                  |    39 -
 lib/libntp/tstotv.c                    |   137 -
 lib/libntp/tvtoa.c                     |    39 -
 lib/libntp/tvtots.c                    |   161 -
 lib/libntp/uglydate.c                  |    51 -
 lib/libntp/uinttoa.c                   |    21 -
 lib/libntp/utvtoa.c                    |    27 -
 lib/libntp/version.c                   |     6 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/COPYRIGHT                |   127 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/Makefile                 |     4 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/             |     9 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/HTMLPrimer.html     |  1199 --------
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/Makefile            |    23 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/accopt.html         |   141 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/authcert.html       |    51 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/authopt.html        |   130 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/authspeed.html      |    46 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/biblio.html         |   230 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/build.html          |   149 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/clockopt.html       |   172 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/config.html         |   137 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/confopt.html        |   190 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/copyright.html      |   143 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/debug.html          |   279 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver1.html        |   134 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver10.html       |    89 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver11.html       |   140 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver12.html       |    77 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver18.html       |   235 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver19.html       |   106 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver2.html        |   116 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver20.html       |   107 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver22.html       |   107 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver23.html       |    66 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver24.html       |    62 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver26.html       |   100 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver27.html       |   426 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver28.html       |   103 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver3.html        |   111 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver4.html        |   133 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver5.html        |   138 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver6.html        |   134 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver7.html        |    98 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver8.html        |   227 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/driver9.html        |    93 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/gadget.html         |   106 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/hints.html          |    26 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/howto.html          |   269 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/index.html          |   162 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/irig.html           |   331 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/kern.html           |    61 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/kernpps.html        |    26 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/ldisc.html          |   162 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/md5cert.html        |    41 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/measure.html        |    50 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/miscopt.html        |   125 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/monopt.html         |   196 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/notes.html          |  1184 --------
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/ntpdate.html        |   145 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/ntpq.html           |   346 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/ntptime.html        |    60 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/ntptrace.html       |    69 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/parsedata.html      |   374 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/parsenew.html       |   264 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/patches.html        |    69 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/porting.html        |    78 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/pps.html            |    81 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/prefer.html         |   326 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/rdebug.html         |    68 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/refclock.html       |   105 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/release.html        |   179 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/tickadj.html        |    86 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/vxworks.html        |   147 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/xntpd.html          |   164 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/html/xntpdc.html         |   482 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/config.h         |   717 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/l_stdlib.h       |   428 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp.h            |   791 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_calendar.h   |   114 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_control.h    |   263 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_filegen.h    |    53 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_fp.h         |   322 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_if.h         |    56 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_io.h         |    29 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_machine.h    |   514 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_malloc.h     |    21 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_proto.h      |    17 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_refclock.h   |   238 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_request.h    |   810 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_select.h     |    37 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_stdlib.h     |    98 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_string.h     |    40 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_syslog.h     |    79 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_types.h      |    85 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntp_unixtime.h   |   130 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/ntpd.h           |   200 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/parse.h          |   473 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/include/parse_conf.h     |    56 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpdate/Makefile         |     7 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpdate/ntpdate.8        |   198 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpdate/ntpdate.c        |  2074 ---------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpdate/ntpdate.h        |    87 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpq/Makefile            |     7 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpq/ntpq.8              |   382 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpq/ntpq.c              |  3009 ----------------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpq/ntpq.h              |    91 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntpq/ntpq_ops.c          |  1632 -----------
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptime/Makefile         |     7 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptime/ntptime.8        |    60 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptime/ntptime.c        |   411 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptrace/Makefile        |     7 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptrace/ntptrace.8      |    68 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptrace/ntptrace.c      |   827 ------
 usr.sbin/xntp/ntptrace/ntptrace.h      |    38 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntp2netbsd              |  2583 ------------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/Makefile           |    15 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_computime.c    |   153 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_dcf7000.c      |   180 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_hopf6021.c     |   246 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_meinberg.c     |   533 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_rawdcf.c       |   618 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_rcc8000.c      |   156 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_schmid.c       |   247 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_trimtaip.c     |   167 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/clk_trimtsip.c     |   545 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/map_vme.c          |   133 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_config.c       |  2100 ---------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_control.c      |  2740 --------------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_filegen.c      |   567 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_intres.c       |   915 ------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_io.c           |  2542 ------------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_leap.c         |   320 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_loopfilter.c   |   758 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_monitor.c      |   357 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_peer.c         |   677 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_proto.c        |  2499 ------------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_refclock.c     |  1423 ----------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_request.c      |  2387 -----------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_restrict.c     |   465 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_timer.c        |   558 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_unixclock.c    |   753 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntp_util.c         |   650 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/ntpd.c             |   969 -------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/parse.c            |  1231 ---------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/parse_conf.c       |   191 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_acts.c    |  1035 -------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_arbiter.c |   443 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_arc.c     |  1547 -----------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_as2201.c  |   471 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_atom.c    |   558 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_bancomm.c |   680 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_chu.c     |   808 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_conf.c    |   243 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_datum.c   |   875 ------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_gpsvme.c  |   621 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_heath.c   |   495 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_hpgps.c   |   631 ----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_irig.c    |   267 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_leitch.c  |   726 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_local.c   |   193 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_msfees.c  |  1581 -----------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_mx4200.c  |  2067 ---------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_nmea.c    |   417 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_parse.c   |  4371 --------------------------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_pst.c     |   339 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_ptbacts.c |    18 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_tpro.c    |   230 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_trak.c    |   375 --
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_true.c    |   881 ------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_usno.c    |   700 -----
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/refclock_wwvb.c    |   487 ---
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpd/xntpd.8            |   190 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpdc/Makefile          |     7 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpdc/ntpdc.c           |  1663 ------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpdc/ntpdc.h           |    61 -
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpdc/ntpdc_ops.c       |  2429 -----------------
 usr.sbin/xntp/xntpdc/xntpdc.8          |   580 ----
 235 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 85867 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 86807 to 300 lines):

diff -r 85bc5c5e1118 -r 93ed92739ea2 lib/libntp/COPYRIGHT
--- a/lib/libntp/COPYRIGHT      Tue May 02 12:46:05 2000 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: COPYRIGHT,v 1.6 1999/07/03 12:30:27 simonb Exp $ -->
-Copyright Notice
-Copyright Notice
-<p>The following copyright notice applies to all files collectively
-called the Network Time Protocol Version 4 Distribution. Unless
-specifically declared otherwise in an individual file, this notice
-applies as if the text was explicitly included in the file.
- *                                                                     *
- * Copyright (c) David L. Mills 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996           *
- *                                                                     *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and   *
- * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby         *
- * granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all    *
- * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission       *
- * notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name        *
- * University of Delaware not be used in advertising or publicity      *
- * pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,        *
- * written prior permission. The University of Delaware makes no       *
- * representations about the suitability this software for any         *
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied          *
- * warranty.                                                           *
- **********************************************************************/
-The following individuals contributed in part to the Network Time
-Protocol Distribution Version 4 and are acknowledged as authors of this
-<li>Mark Andrews ( Leitch atomic clock
-<br><li>Viraj Bais (, Clayton Kirkwood
-(, and Greg Schueman (
-port to WindowsNT 3.51
-<br><li>Karl Berry ( syslog to file option
-<br><li>Piete Brooks ( MSF clock driver,
-Trimble PARSE support
-<br><li>Steve Clift ( OMEGA clock driver
-<br><li><a href="";> Casey Crellin </a> 
-        <a href="";> ( </a> 
-    vxWorks (Tornado) port and help with target configuration 
-<br><li>Torsten Duwe ( Linux Port
-<br><li>John A. Dundas III ( Apple A/UX port
-<br><li>Dennis Ferguson ( foundation code for NTP
-Version 2 as specified in RFC-1119
-<br><li>Glenn Hollinger ( GOES clock driver
-<br><li>Mike Iglesias ( DEC Alpha port
-<br><li>Jim Jagielski ( A/UX port
-<br><li>Jeff Johnson ( massive prototyping
-<br><li>William L. Jones ( RS/6000 AIX
-modifications, HPUX modifications
-<br><li>Dave Katz ( RS/6000 AIX port
-<br><li>Craig Leres ( 4.4BSD port, ppsclock, Maganavox
-GPS clock driver
-<br><li>George Lindholm ( SunOS 5.1 port
-<br><li>Louis A. Mamakos ( MD5-based authentication
-<br><li>Lars H. Mathiesen ( adaptation of foundation
-code for Version 3 as specified in RFC-1305
-<br><li><a href="";>David L. Mills
-(</a> Spectractom WWVB, Austron GPS, Heath, ATOM, ACTS,
-KSI/Odetics IRIG-B clock drivers; PPS support
-<br><li>Wolfgang Moeller ( VMS port
-<br><li>Jeffrey Mogul ( ntptrace utility
-<br><li>Tom Moore ( i386 svr4 port
-<br><li>Rainer Pruy (
-monitoring/trap scripts, statistics file handling
-<br><li>Nick Sayer ( SunOS streams modules
-<br><li><a href="";>Frank Kardel</a>
-<a href="mailto:"> &lt;;</a>
-PARSE &lt;GENERIC&gt; driver (14 reference clocks), STREAMS modules for PARSE, support
-scripts, syslog cleanup
-<br><li>Ray Schnitzler ( Unixware1 port
-<br><li>Michael Shields ( USNO clock driver
-<br><li>Jeff Steinman ( Datum PTS clock driver
-<br><li>Kenneth Stone ( HP-UX port
-<br><li><a href="";>Ajit Thyagarajan
-(</a> IP multicast support
-<br><li>Tomoaki TSURUOKA ( TRAK clock driver
-<br><li>Paul A Vixie ( TrueTime GPS driver, generic
-TrueTime clock driver
-<hr><address>David L. Mills (</address></body></html>
diff -r 85bc5c5e1118 -r 93ed92739ea2 lib/libntp/Makefile
--- a/lib/libntp/Makefile       Tue May 02 12:46:05 2000 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 1999/07/20 10:53:05 mrg Exp $
-SRCTOP=        ../..
-.include <>
-LIB=   ntp
-SRCS=  utvtoa.c uinttoa.c uglydate.c tvtots.c tvtoa.c tstotv.c \
-tsftomsu.c systime.c syssignal.c statestr.c refnumtoa.c ranny.c \
-prettydate.c octtoint.c numtohost.c numtoa.c netof.c msyslog.c \
-msutotsf.c mstolfp.c modetoa.c mfptoms.c mfptoa.c mexit.c \
-memmove.c machines.c lib_strbuf.h lib_strbuf.c inttoa.c humandate.c \
-hextolfp.c hextoint.c getopt.c fptoms.c fptoa.c findconfig.c \
-emalloc.c dolfptoa.c dofptoa.c decodenetnum.c clocktypes.c clocktime.c \
-calyearstart.c caltontp.c calleapwhen.c caljulian.c buftvtots.c authusekey.c \
-authreadkeys.c authparity.c authkeys.c authencrypt.c authdes.c authdecrypt.c \
-auth12crypt.c atouint.c atolfp.c atoint.c adjtime.c a_md5encrypt.c \
-a_md5decrypt.c a_md512crypt.c 
-SRCS += version.c
-CPPFLAGS+=-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I${.CURDIR}/../../usr.sbin/xntp/include
-.if defined(CRYPTOPATH)
-.sinclude "${CRYPTOPATH}/lib/libntp/Makefile.frag"
-.include <>
diff -r 85bc5c5e1118 -r 93ed92739ea2 lib/libntp/a_md512crypt.c
--- a/lib/libntp/a_md512crypt.c Tue May 02 12:46:05 2000 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: a_md512crypt.c,v 1.6 1999/07/03 12:30:28 simonb Exp $  */
- *  md5crypt - MD5 based authentication routines
- */
-#include "ntp_types.h"
-#include "ntp_string.h"
-#include "md5.h"
-#include "ntp_stdlib.h"
-extern u_int32 cache_keyid;
-extern char *cache_key;
-extern int cache_keylen;
-extern void *memmove P((void *, const void *, size_t));
- * Stat counters, imported from data base module
- */
-extern u_int32 authencryptions;
-extern u_int32 authdecryptions;
-extern u_int32 authkeyuncached;
-extern u_int32 authnokey;
- * For our purposes an NTP packet looks like:
- *
- *     a variable amount of encrypted data, multiple of 8 bytes, followed by:
- *     NOCRYPT_OCTETS worth of unencrypted data, followed by:
- *     BLOCK_OCTETS worth of ciphered checksum.
- */ 
-#define        NOCRYPT_OCTETS  4
-#define        BLOCK_OCTETS    16
-#define        NOCRYPT_int32S  ((NOCRYPT_OCTETS)/sizeof(u_int32))
-#define        BLOCK_int32S    ((BLOCK_OCTETS)/sizeof(u_int32))
-static MD5_CTX ctx;
- *  Do first stage of a two stage authenticator generation.
- */
-MD5auth1crypt(keyno, pkt, length)
-    u_int32 keyno;
-    u_int32 *pkt;
-    int length;        /* length of all encrypted data */
-    authencryptions++;
-    if (keyno != cache_keyid) {
-       authkeyuncached++;
-       if (!authhavekey(keyno)) {
-           authnokey++;
-           return;
-       }
-    }
-    MD5Init(&ctx);
-    MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned const char *)cache_key, cache_keylen);
-    MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned const char *)pkt, length - 8);
-    /* just leave the partially computed value in the static MD5_CTX */
- *  Do second state of a two stage authenticator generation.
- */
-MD5auth2crypt(keyno, pkt, length)
-    u_int32 keyno;
-    u_int32 *pkt;
-    int length;        /* total length of encrypted area */
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
-    unsigned char hash[16];
-    /*
-     *  Don't bother checking the keys.  The first stage would have
-     *  handled that.  Finish up the generation by also including the
-     *  last 8 bytes of the data area.
-     */
-    MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned const char *)(pkt) + length - 8, 8);
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
-    MD5Final(hash, &ctx);
-    MD5Final(&ctx);
-    memmove((char *) &pkt[NOCRYPT_int32S + length/sizeof(u_int32)],
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
-           (char *) hash,
-           (char *) ctx.digest,
-           BLOCK_OCTETS);
-    return (4 + BLOCK_OCTETS);
diff -r 85bc5c5e1118 -r 93ed92739ea2 lib/libntp/a_md5decrypt.c
--- a/lib/libntp/a_md5decrypt.c Tue May 02 12:46:05 2000 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: a_md5decrypt.c,v 1.6 1999/07/03 12:30:28 simonb Exp $  */
- *  md5crypt - MD5 based authentication routines
- */
-#include "ntp_types.h"
-#include "ntp_string.h"
-#include "md5.h"
-#include "ntp_stdlib.h"
-extern u_int32 cache_keyid;
-extern char *cache_key;
-extern int cache_keylen;
- * Stat counters, imported from data base module
- */
-extern u_int32 authencryptions;
-extern u_int32 authdecryptions;
-extern u_int32 authkeyuncached;
-extern u_int32 authnokey;
- * For our purposes an NTP packet looks like:
- *
- *     a variable amount of encrypted data, multiple of 8 bytes, followed by:
- *     NOCRYPT_OCTETS worth of unencrypted data, followed by:

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