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[src/trunk]: src/etc/etc.mmeye etc files for mmeye

branches:  trunk
changeset: 480077:5c8fa54fb806
user:      msaitoh <>
date:      Sun Jan 02 10:04:26 2000 +0000

etc files for mmeye


 etc/etc.mmeye/MAKEDEV  |  436 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 etc/etc.mmeye/disktab  |   41 ++++
 etc/etc.mmeye/fstab.wd |    5 +
 etc/etc.mmeye/ttys     |   41 ++++
 4 files changed, 523 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 539 to 300 lines):

diff -r 500dd71ec16a -r 5c8fa54fb806 etc/etc.mmeye/MAKEDEV
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etc/etc.mmeye/MAKEDEV     Sun Jan 02 10:04:26 2000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+#!/bin/sh -
+#      $NetBSD: MAKEDEV,v 1.1 2000/01/02 10:04:26 msaitoh Exp $
+# Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Written and contributed by W. Jolitz 12/90
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
+# that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
+# comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
+# acknowledgement:  ``This product includes software developed by the
+# University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
+# documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
+# all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
+# Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
+# be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission.
+#      @(#)MAKEDEV     5.2 (Berkeley) 6/22/90
+# Device "make" file.  Valid arguments:
+#      all     makes all known devices, including local devices.
+#              Tries to make the 'standard' number of each type.
+#      floppy  devices to be put on install floppies
+#      ramdisk devices to be put into INSTALL kernel ramdisks.
+#      std     standard devices
+#      local   configuration specific devices
+# Tapes:
+#      wt*     QIC-interfaced (e.g. not SCSI) 3M cartridge tape
+#      st*     SCSI tapes
+# Disks:
+#      wd*     "winchester" disk drives (ST506,IDE,ESDI,RLL,...)
+#      fd*     "floppy" disk drives (3 1/2", 5 1/4")
+#      sd*     SCSI disks
+#      cd*     SCSI CD-ROM
+#      mcd*    Mitsumi CD-ROM
+#      vnd*    "file" pseudo-disks
+#      md*     memory pseudo-disks
+#      ccd*    contatenated disk devices
+#      raid*   RAIDframe disk devices
+# Console ports:
+#      ttyv0   pccons or pcvt screen 0
+#      ttyv*   pcvt
+# Terminal ports:
+#      com*    standard PC COM ports                   (XXX)
+#      tty*    alias for PC COM ports, this is what the system really wants
+# Pseudo terminals:
+#      pty*    set of 16 master and slave pseudo terminals
+# Printers:
+#      lpt*    stock lp
+#      lpa*    interruptless lp
+# Call units:
+# Special purpose devices:
+#      fd      file descriptors
+#      bpf*    packet filter
+#      ipl     ip filter
+#      random  Random number generator
+#      speaker pc speaker                              (XXX - installed)
+#      lkm     loadable kernel modules interface
+#      audio   audio device
+#      apm     power management device
+#      tun*    network tunnel driver
+#      joy*    joystick device
+#      satlink* PlanetConnect satellite receiver driver
+#      scsibus* SCSI busses, see scsi(4), scsictl(8)
+#      ss*     SCSI scanner
+#      uk*     SCSI unknown
+#      ch*     SCSI changer
+#      cfs*    Coda file system device
+umask 77
+for i
+case $i in
+       sh $0 std fd wt0 fd0 fd1 wd0 wd1 wd2 wd3 sd0 sd1 sd2 sd3 sd4
+       sh $0 tty0 tty1 pty0 pty1 raid0 raid1 raid2 raid3
+       sh $0 st0 st1 ch0 cd0 cd1 mcd0 vnd0 vnd1 lpa0 lpa1 lpa2
+       sh $0 lpt0 lpt1 lpt2 ttyv0 bpf0 bpf1 bpf2 bpf3 tun0 tun1 ipl
+       sh $0 ccd0 ccd1 ccd2 ccd3 md0 ss0 ch0 uk0 uk1 random
+       sh $0 speaker lkm audio joy0 joy1 apm local satlink0
+       sh $0 ttyv0 ttyv1 ttyv2 ttyv3 ttyv4 ttyv5 ttyv6 ttyv7 ttyv8
+       sh $0 scsibus0 scsibus1
+       ;;
+       sh $0 std wt0 fd0 fd1 wd0 wd1 sd0 sd1 sd2 tty0 tty1
+       sh $0 st0 st1 cd0 cd1 mcd0 ttyv0
+       ;;
+       sh $0 floppy md0
+       ;;
+       rm -f console drum mem kmem null zero io tty klog stdin stdout stderr
+       mknod console           c 8 0
+       mknod drum              c 4 0   ; chmod 640 drum ; chgrp kmem drum
+       mknod kmem              c 2 1   ; chmod 640 kmem ; chgrp kmem kmem
+       mknod mem               c 2 0   ; chmod 640 mem ; chgrp kmem mem
+       mknod null              c 2 2   ; chmod 666 null
+       mknod zero              c 2 12  ; chmod 666 zero
+       mknod io                c 2 14  ; chmod 640 io ; chgrp kmem io
+       mknod tty               c 1 0   ; chmod 666 tty
+       mknod klog              c 7 0   ; chmod 600 klog
+       mknod stdin             c 22 0  ; chmod 666 stdin
+       mknod stdout            c 22 1  ; chmod 666 stdout
+       mknod stderr            c 22 2  ; chmod 666 stderr
+       ;;
+       chr=12; unit=${i#ttyv}
+       rm -f ttyv$unit
+       mknod ttyv$unit c $chr $unit
+       chown root.wheel ttyv$unit
+       case $unit in
+       0)
+               rm -f vga
+               ln -s ttyv0 vga
+               ;;
+       esac
+       ;;
+       rm -f fd/*
+       mkdir fd > /dev/null 2>&1
+       n=0
+       while [ $n -lt 64 ]; do
+               mknod fd/$n c 22 $n
+               n=$(($n + 1))
+       done
+       chown -R root.wheel fd
+       chmod 755 fd
+       chmod 666 fd/*
+       ;;
+       case $i in
+       wt*) name=wt;  unit=${i#wt};    chr=10; blk=3;;
+       esac
+       for sub in $unit $(($unit+8)) $(($unit+16))
+       do
+           rm -f $name$sub n$name$sub r$name$sub nr$name$sub
+           mknod $name$sub     b $blk $(($sub + 0))
+           mknod n$name$sub    b $blk $(($sub + 4))
+           mknod r$name$sub    c $chr $(($sub + 0))
+           mknod nr$name$sub   c $chr $(($sub + 4))
+           chgrp operator $name$sub n$name$sub r$name$sub nr$name$sub
+           chmod 660 $name$sub n$name$sub r$name$sub nr$name$sub
+       done
+       ;;
+       case $i in
+       md*) name=md;   unit=${i#md};   chr=24; blk=17;;
+       esac
+       rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+       mknod ${name}${unit}a   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 0))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}b   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 1))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}c   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 2))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}a  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}b  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 1))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}c  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 2))
+       chgrp operator $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+       chmod 640 $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+       ;;
+       case $i in
+       ss*) name=ss;   unit=${i#ss};   chr=19;;
+       esac
+       rm -f $name$unit n$name$unit en$name$unit
+       mknod $name$unit        c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 0))
+       mknod n$name$unit       c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 1))
+       mknod en$name$unit      c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 3))
+       chgrp operator $name$unit n$name$unit en$name$unit
+       chmod 640 $name$unit n$name$unit en$name$unit
+       ;;
+       case $i in
+       ccd*) name=ccd; unit=${i#ccd};  blk=16; chr=18;;
+       fd*) name=fd;   unit=${i#fd};   blk=2;  chr=9;;
+       raid*) name=raid; unit=${i#raid}; blk=18; chr=49;;
+       sd*) name=sd;   unit=${i#sd};   blk=4;  chr=13;;
+       vnd*) name=vnd; unit=${i#vnd};  blk=14; chr=41;;
+       wd*) name=wd;   unit=${i#wd};   blk=0;  chr=3;;
+       esac
+       rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+       mknod ${name}${unit}a   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 0))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}b   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 1))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}c   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 2))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}d   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 3))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}e   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 4))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}f   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 5))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}g   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 6))
+       mknod ${name}${unit}h   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 7))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}a  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}b  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 1))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}c  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 2))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}d  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 3))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}e  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 4))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}f  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 5))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}g  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 6))
+       mknod r${name}${unit}h  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 7))
+       chgrp operator $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+       chmod 640 $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+       ;;
+com*|tty*)                                     # (XXX -- com should die)
+       unit=${i#???}
+       rm -f com$unit tty0$unit
+       mknod tty0$unit c 8 $unit
+       chown uucp.wheel tty0$unit
+       ;;
+       class=${i#pty}
+       case $class in
+       0)      name=p;;
+       1)      name=q;;
+       2)      name=r;;
+       3)      name=s;;
+       4)      name=t;;
+       5)      name=u;;
+       6)      name=v
+               echo "$0: $i: pty unit conflicts with console ttyv* devices."
+               continue;;
+       7)      name=w;;
+       8)      name=x;;
+       9)      name=y;;
+       10)     name=z;;
+       11)     name=P;;
+       12)     name=Q;;
+       13)     name=R;;
+       14)     name=S;;
+       15)     name=T;;
+       *)      echo "$0: $i: pty unit must be between 0 and 15"
+               continue ;;
+       esac
+       rm -f tty$name[0-9a-f] pty$name[0-9a-f]
+       for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+       do
+               case $j in
+               [0-9])  jn=$j ;;
+               a)      jn=10 ;;
+               b)      jn=11 ;;
+               c)      jn=12 ;;
+               d)      jn=13 ;;
+               e)      jn=14 ;;
+               f)      jn=15 ;;
+               esac
+               unit=$(($class * 16 + $jn))
+               mknod tty$name$j c 5 $unit
+               mknod pty$name$j c 6 $unit
+       done
+        chgrp wheel tty$name? pty$name?
+        chmod 666 tty$name? pty$name?
+       ;;
+       case $i in
+       st*) name=st;   unit=${i#st};   chr=14; blk=5;;
+       esac
+       rm -f $name$unit n$name$unit e$name$unit en$name$unit \
+               r$name$unit nr$name$unit er$name$unit enr$name$unit 
+       mknod $name$unit        b $blk $(($unit * 16 + 0))
+       mknod n$name$unit       b $blk $(($unit * 16 + 1))
+       mknod e$name$unit       b $blk $(($unit * 16 + 2))
+       mknod en$name$unit      b $blk $(($unit * 16 + 3))
+       mknod r$name$unit       c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 0))
+       mknod nr$name$unit      c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 1))
+       mknod er$name$unit      c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 2))
+       mknod enr$name$unit     c $chr $(($unit * 16 + 3))
+       chgrp operator $name$unit n$name$unit e$name$unit en$name$unit \
+               r$name$unit nr$name$unit er$name$unit enr$name$unit 
+       chmod 660 $name$unit n$name$unit e$name$unit en$name$unit \
+               r$name$unit nr$name$unit er$name$unit enr$name$unit 
+       ;;

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