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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/macppc/macppc Display verbose messages about L2 cache.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 474173:3860d41c1a0d
user:      tsubai <>
date:      Wed Jun 30 16:34:19 1999 +0000

Display verbose messages about L2 cache.


 sys/arch/macppc/macppc/cpu.c |  136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diffs (182 lines):

diff -r 7c9ab91614a8 -r 3860d41c1a0d sys/arch/macppc/macppc/cpu.c
--- a/sys/arch/macppc/macppc/cpu.c      Wed Jun 30 15:18:58 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/macppc/macppc/cpu.c      Wed Jun 30 16:34:19 1999 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: cpu.c,v 1.3 1999/02/16 15:20:51 tsubai Exp $   */
+/*     $NetBSD: cpu.c,v 1.4 1999/06/30 16:34:19 tsubai Exp $   */
- * Copyright (C) 1998  Internet Research Institute, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Internet Research Institute, Inc.
  * All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -41,14 +41,15 @@
 static int cpumatch __P((struct device *, struct cfdata *, void *));
 static void cpuattach __P((struct device *, struct device *, void *));
+static void ohare_init __P((void));
+static void display_l2cr __P((void));
 struct cfattach cpu_ca = {
        sizeof(struct device), cpumatch, cpuattach
 extern struct cfdriver cpu_cd;
-extern void *mapiodev();
 cpumatch(parent, cf, aux)
        struct device *parent;
@@ -63,27 +64,55 @@
        return 1;
+#define MPC601         1
+#define MPC603         3
+#define MPC604         4
+#define MPC603e                6
+#define MPC603ev       7
+#define MPC750         8
+#define HID0_DOZE      0x00800000
+#define HID0_NAP       0x00400000
+#define HID0_SLEEP     0x00200000
+#define HID0_DPM       0x00100000      /* 1: DPM enable */
 cpuattach(parent, self, aux)
        struct device *parent, *self;
        void *aux;
-       u_int x;
-       u_int *cache_reg;
-       u_int node;
-       int addr = -1;
+       int hid0, pvr;
-       node = OF_finddevice("/hammerhead");
-       OF_getprop(node, "reg", &addr, sizeof(addr));
-       if (addr == -1) {
-               printf("\n");
-               return;
+       __asm __volatile ("mfpvr %0" : "=r"(pvr));
+       switch (pvr >> 16) {
+       case MPC603:
+       case MPC603e:
+       case MPC603ev:
+       case MPC750:
+               /* Select DOZE power-save mode. */
+               __asm __volatile ("mfspr %0,1008" : "=r"(hid0));
+               hid0 &= ~(HID0_DOZE | HID0_NAP | HID0_SLEEP);
+               hid0 |= HID0_DOZE | HID0_DPM;
+               __asm __volatile ("mtspr 1008,%0" :: "r"(hid0));
-#if 0
+       if ((pvr >> 16) == MPC750)
+               display_l2cr();
+       else if (OF_finddevice("/bandit/ohare") != -1)
+               ohare_init();
+       else
+               printf("\n");
+#define CACHE_REG 0xf8000000
+       u_int *cache_reg, x;
        /* enable L2 cache */
-       cache_reg = mapiodev(addr, NBPG);
+       cache_reg = mapiodev(CACHE_REG, NBPG);
        if (((cache_reg[2] >> 24) & 0x0f) >= 3) {
                x = cache_reg[4];
                if ((x & 0x10) == 0)
@@ -92,9 +121,80 @@
                        x |= 0x04000020;
                cache_reg[4] = x;
-               printf(": L2 cache enabled");
+               printf(": ohare L2 cache enabled\n");
+#define L2CR 1017
+#define L2CR_L2E       0x80000000 /* 0: L2 enable */
+#define L2CR_L2PE      0x40000000 /* 1: L2 data parity enable */
+#define L2CR_L2SIZ     0x30000000 /* 2-3: L2 size */
+#define  L2SIZ_RESERVED                0x00000000
+#define  L2SIZ_256K            0x10000000
+#define  L2SIZ_512K            0x20000000
+#define  L2SIZ_1M      0x30000000
+#define L2CR_L2CLK     0x0e000000 /* 4-6 */
+#define L2CR_L2RAM     0x01800000 /* 7-8: L2 RAM type */
+#define  L2RAM_FLOWTHRU_BURST  0x00000000
+#define  L2RAM_PIPELINE_BURST  0x01000000
+#define  L2RAM_PIPELINE_LATE   0x01800000
+#define L2CR_L2DO      0x00400000 /* 9: L2 data-only.
+                                     Setting this bit disables instruction
+                                     caching. */
+#define L2CR_L2I       0x00200000 /* 10: L2 global invalidate. */
+#define L2CR_L2CTL     0x00100000 /* 11: L2 RAM control (ZZ enable).
+                                     Enables automatic operation of the
+                                     L2ZZ (low-power mode) signal. */
+#define L2CR_L2WT      0x00080000 /* 12: L2 write-through. */
+#define L2CR_L2TS      0x00040000 /* 13: L2 test support. */
+#define L2CR_L2OH      0x00030000 /* 14-15: L2 output hold. */
+#define L2CR_L2SL      0x00008000 /* 16: L2 DLL slow. */
+#define L2CR_L2DF      0x00004000 /* 17: L2 differential clock. */
+#define L2CR_L2BYP     0x00002000 /* 18: L2 DLL bypass. */
+#define L2CR_L2IP      0x00000001 /* 31: L2 global invalidate in progress
+                                     (read only). */
+       u_int l2cr;
+       __asm __volatile ("mfspr %0, 1017" : "=r"(l2cr));
+       if (l2cr & L2CR_L2E) {
+               switch (l2cr & L2CR_L2SIZ) {
+               case L2SIZ_256K:
+                       printf(": 256KB");
+                       break;
+               case L2SIZ_512K:
+                       printf(": 512KB");
+                       break;
+               case L2SIZ_1M:
+                       printf(": 1MB");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       printf(": unknown size");
+               }
+#if 0
+               switch (l2cr & L2CR_L2RAM) {
+               case L2RAM_FLOWTHRU_BURST:
+                       printf(" Flow-through synchronous burst SRAM");
+                       break;
+               case L2RAM_PIPELINE_BURST:
+                       printf(" Pipelined synchronous burst SRAM");
+                       break;
+               case L2RAM_PIPELINE_LATE:
+                       printf(" Pipelined synchronous late-write SRAM");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       printf(" unknown type");
+               }
+               if (l2cr & L2CR_L2PE)
+                       printf(" with parity");
+               printf(" backside cache enabled");
+       }

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