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[src/netbsd-1-4]: src/dist/bind Pull up revision 1.5 (requested by itojun):

branches:  netbsd-1-4
changeset: 471245:d724a7adc12b
user:      he <>
date:      Sun Jan 28 17:09:32 2001 +0000

Pull up revision 1.5 (requested by itojun):
  Upgrade to BIND version 8.2.3.


 dist/bind/bin/named/ns_func.h   |  344 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 dist/bind/include/resolv.h      |   22 +-
 dist/bind/lib/resolv/res_data.c |    5 +-
 dist/bind/man/named.8           |    4 +-
 4 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 617 to 300 lines):

diff -r 8689e789e067 -r d724a7adc12b dist/bind/bin/named/ns_func.h
--- a/dist/bind/bin/named/ns_func.h     Sun Jan 28 17:09:27 2001 +0000
+++ b/dist/bind/bin/named/ns_func.h     Sun Jan 28 17:09:32 2001 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: ns_func.h,v 2000/12/13 23:57:43 he Exp $       */
+/*     $NetBSD: ns_func.h,v 2001/01/28 17:09:32 he Exp $       */
  * Copyright (c) 1985, 1990
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Internet Software Consortium.
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Internet Software Consortium.
  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
  * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
@@ -92,45 +92,51 @@
 /* ns_func.h - declarations for ns_*.c's externally visible functions
- * Id: ns_func.h,v 8.91 1999/11/16 06:01:38 vixie Exp
+ * Id: ns_func.h,v 8.104 2001/01/25 05:50:54 marka Exp
 /* ++from ns_glue.c++ */
-extern struct in_addr  ina_get(const u_char *data);
-extern const char      *sin_ntoa(struct sockaddr_in);
-extern int             ns_wouldlog(int category, int level);
-extern void            ns_debug(int, int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4))),
-                       ns_info(int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))),
-                       ns_notice(int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))),
-                       ns_warning(int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))),
-                       ns_error(int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))),
-                       ns_panic(int, int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4))),
-                       ns_assertion_failed(char *file, int line,
+struct in_addr         ina_get(const u_char *data);
+const char *           sin_ntoa(struct sockaddr_in);
+int                    ns_wouldlog(int category, int level);
+void                   ns_debug(int, int, const char *, ...)
+       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4)));
+void                   ns_info(int, const char *, ...)
+       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
+void                   ns_notice(int, const char *, ...)
+       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
+void                   ns_warning(int, const char *, ...)
+       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
+void                   ns_error(int, const char *, ...)
+       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
+void                   ns_panic(int, int, const char *, ...)
+       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4)));
+void                   ns_assertion_failed(char *file, int line,
                                            assertion_type type, char *cond,
                                            int print_errno);
 #define panic(a, b) ns_panic(ns_log_default, 1, a, b)
-extern void            gettime(struct timeval *);
-extern int             nlabels(const char *),
-                       my_close(int),
-                       my_fclose(FILE *);
-extern void            __freestr(char *);
-extern char            *__newstr(size_t, int),
-                       *__savestr(const char *, int),
-                       *checked_ctime(const time_t *t),
-                       *ctimel(long);
-extern void            __freestr_record(char *, char *, int);
-extern char            *__newstr_record(size_t, int, char *, int);
-extern char            *__savestr_record(const char *, int, char *, int);
-extern u_char          *ina_put(struct in_addr ina, u_char *data),
-                       *savebuf(const u_char *, size_t, int);
-extern void            dprintf(int level, const char *format, ...)
+void                   gettime(struct timeval *);
+int                    nlabels(const char *);
+int                    my_close(int);
+int                    my_fclose(FILE *);
+void                   __freestr(char *);
+char *                 __newstr(size_t, int);
+char *                 __savestr(const char *, int);
+char *                 checked_ctime(const time_t *t);
+char *                 ctimel(long);
+void                   __freestr_record(char *, char *, int);
+char *                 __newstr_record(size_t, int, char *, int);
+char *                 __savestr_record(const char *, int, char *, int);
+u_char *               ina_put(struct in_addr ina, u_char *data);
+u_char *               savebuf(const u_char *, size_t, int);
+void                   dprintf(int level, const char *format, ...)
      __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
-extern char            *debug_newstr(size_t, int, const char *, int),
-                       *debug_savestr(const char *, int, const char *, int);
-extern void            debug_freestr(char *, const char *, int);
+char *                 debug_newstr(size_t, int, const char *, int);
+char *                 debug_savestr(const char *, int, const char *, int);
+void                   debug_freestr(char *, const char *, int);
 #define newstr(l, n) debug_newstr((l), (n), __FILE__, __LINE__)
 #define savestr(s, n) debug_savestr((s), (n), __FILE__, __LINE__)
 #define freestr(s) debug_freestr((s), __FILE__, __LINE__)
@@ -145,7 +151,6 @@
 #define freestr(s) __freestr((s))
 #endif /* DEBUG_STRINGS */
-int movefile(const char *, const char *);
 /* --from ns_glue.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_notify.c++ */
@@ -153,47 +158,48 @@
 void                   ns_notify(const char *, ns_class, ns_type);
 void                   notify_afterload(void);
 void                   ns_unnotify(void);
+void                   ns_stopnotify(const char *, ns_class);
 /* --from ns_notify.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_resp.c++ */
-extern void            ns_resp(u_char *, int, struct sockaddr_in,
-                               struct qstream *),
-                       prime_cache(void),
-                       delete_all(struct namebuf *, int, int);
-extern int             delete_stale(struct namebuf *);
-extern struct qinfo    *sysquery(const char *, int, int,
-                                 struct in_addr *, int, u_int16_t, int);
-extern int             doupdate(u_char *, u_char *, struct databuf **,
-                                int, int, int, u_int, struct sockaddr_in),
-                       send_msg(u_char *, int, struct qinfo *),
-                       findns(struct namebuf **, int,
-                              struct databuf **, int *, int),
-                       finddata(struct namebuf *, int, int, HEADER *,
-                                char **, int *, int *),
-                       add_data(struct namebuf *,
+void                   ns_resp(u_char *, int, struct sockaddr_in,
+                               struct qstream *);
+void                   prime_cache(void);
+void                   delete_all(struct namebuf *, int, int);
+int                    delete_stale(struct namebuf *);
+struct qinfo *         sysquery(const char *, int, int,
+                                struct in_addr *, int, u_int16_t, int);
+int                    doupdate(u_char *, u_char *, struct databuf **,
+                                int, int, int, u_int, struct sockaddr_in);
+int                    send_msg(u_char *, int, struct qinfo *);
+int                    findns(struct namebuf **, int,
+                              struct databuf **, int *, int);
+int                    finddata(struct namebuf *, int, int, HEADER *,
+                                char **, int *, int *);
+int                    add_data(struct namebuf *,
                                 struct databuf **,
-                                u_char *, int, int *),
-                       trunc_adjust(u_char *, int, int);
+                                u_char *, int, int *);
+int                    trunc_adjust(u_char *, int, int);
 /* --from ns_resp.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_req.c++ */
-extern void            ns_req(u_char *, int, int,
+void                   ns_req(u_char *, int, int,
                               struct qstream *,
                               struct sockaddr_in,
-                              int),
-                       free_addinfo(void),
-                       free_nsp(struct databuf **);
-extern int             stale(struct databuf *),
-                       make_rr(const char *, struct databuf *,
+                              int);
+void                   free_addinfo(void);
+void                   free_nsp(struct databuf **);
+int                    stale(struct databuf *);
+int                    make_rr(const char *, struct databuf *,
                                u_char *, int, int,
-                               u_char **, u_char **, int),
-                       doaddinfo(HEADER *, u_char *, int),
-                       doaddauth(HEADER *, u_char *, int,
+                               u_char **, u_char **, int);
+int                    doaddinfo(HEADER *, u_char *, int);
+int                    doaddauth(HEADER *, u_char *, int,
                                  struct namebuf *,
                                  struct databuf *);
-extern int             findZonePri(const struct zoneinfo *,
+int                    findZonePri(const struct zoneinfo *,
                                    const struct sockaddr_in);
 /* --from ns_req.c-- */
@@ -202,12 +208,12 @@
 void                   ns_xfr(struct qstream *qsp, struct namebuf *znp,
                               int zone, int class, int type,
                               int id, int opcode, u_int32_t serial_ixfr, 
-                                  struct tsig_record *in_tsig),
-                       ns_stopxfrs(struct zoneinfo *),
-                       ns_freexfr(struct qstream *),
-                       sx_newmsg(struct qstream *qsp),
-                       sx_sendlev(struct qstream *qsp),
-                       sx_sendsoa(struct qstream *qsp);
+                              struct tsig_record *in_tsig);
+void                   ns_stopxfrs(struct zoneinfo *);
+void                   ns_freexfr(struct qstream *);
+void                   sx_newmsg(struct qstream *qsp);
+void                   sx_sendlev(struct qstream *qsp);
+void                   sx_sendsoa(struct qstream *qsp);
 /* --from ns_xfr.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_ctl.c++ */
@@ -223,12 +229,13 @@
 /* --from ns_ctl.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_ixfr.c++ */
-void                   sx_send_ixfr(struct qstream *qsp);
+void                   sx_send_ixfr(struct qstream *);
+int                    ixfr_log_maint(struct zoneinfo *);
 /* --from ns_ixfr.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_forw.c++ */
-extern time_t          retrytime(struct qinfo *);
-extern int             ns_forw(struct databuf *nsp[],
+time_t                 retrytime(struct qinfo *);
+int                    ns_forw(struct databuf *nsp[],
                                u_char *msg,
                                int msglen,
                                struct sockaddr_in from,
@@ -240,139 +247,144 @@
                                int type,
                                struct namebuf *np,
                                int use_tcp,
-                               struct tsig_record *in_tsig),
-                       haveComplained(u_long, u_long),
-                       nslookup(struct databuf *nsp[],
+                               struct tsig_record *in_tsig);
+int                    haveComplained(u_long, u_long);
+int                    nslookup(struct databuf *nsp[],
                                 struct qinfo *qp,
                                 const char *syslogdname,
-                                const char *sysloginfo),
-                       qcomp(struct qserv *, struct qserv *);
-extern void            schedretry(struct qinfo *, time_t),
-                       unsched(struct qinfo *),
-                       reset_retrytimer(void),
-                       retrytimer(evContext ctx, void *uap,
-                                  struct timespec due, struct timespec ival),
-                       retry(struct qinfo *),
-                       qflush(void),
-                       qremove(struct qinfo *),
-                        ns_freeqns(struct qinfo *, char *),
-                       ns_freeqry(struct qinfo *),
-                       freeComplaints(void),
-                       nsfwdadd(struct qinfo *, struct fwdinfo *);
-extern struct qinfo    *qfindid(u_int16_t),
-                       *qnew(const char *, int, int, int);
+                                const char *sysloginfo);
+int                    qcomp(struct qserv *, struct qserv *);
+void                   schedretry(struct qinfo *, time_t);
+void                   unsched(struct qinfo *);
+void                   reset_retrytimer(void);
+void                   retrytimer(evContext ctx, void *uap,
+                                  struct timespec due, struct timespec ival);
+void                   retry(struct qinfo *);
+void                   qflush(void);
+void                   qremove(struct qinfo *);
+void                   ns_freeqns(struct qinfo *, char *);
+void                   ns_freeqry(struct qinfo *);
+void                   freeComplaints(void);
+void                   nsfwdadd(struct qinfo *, struct fwdinfo *);
+struct qinfo *         qfindid(u_int16_t);
+struct qinfo *         qnew(const char *, int, int, int);
 /* --from ns_forw.c-- */
 /* ++from ns_main.c++ */
-extern struct in_addr  net_mask(struct in_addr);
-extern void            sq_remove(struct qstream *),
-                       sq_flushw(struct qstream *),
-                       sq_flush(struct qstream *allbut),
-                       dq_remove_gen(time_t gen),
-                       dq_remove_all(),
-                       sq_done(struct qstream *),
-                       ns_setproctitle(char *, int),
-                       getnetconf(int),
-                       nsid_init(void),
-                       ns_setoption(int option),
-                       writestream(struct qstream *, const u_char *, int),
-                       ns_need_unsafe(enum need),
-                       ns_need(enum need),
-                       opensocket_f(void),
-                       nsid_hash(u_char *, size_t);
-extern u_int16_t       nsid_next(void);
-extern int             sq_openw(struct qstream *, int),
-                       sq_writeh(struct qstream *, sq_closure),
-                       sq_write(struct qstream *, const u_char *, int),
-                       tcp_send(struct qinfo *),
-                       aIsUs(struct in_addr);
+void                   toggle_qrylog(void);
+struct in_addr         net_mask(struct in_addr);
+void                   sq_remove(struct qstream *);
+void                   sq_flushw(struct qstream *);
+void                   sq_flush(struct qstream *allbut);
+void                   dq_remove_gen(time_t gen);
+void                   dq_remove_all();
+void                   sq_done(struct qstream *);
+void                   ns_setproctitle(char *, int);
+void                   getnetconf(int);
+void                   nsid_init(void);
+void                   ns_setoption(int option);

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