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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/x68k/dev Add function keys mapping.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 467421:1d146a89c02f
user:      minoura <>
date:      Wed Mar 24 14:12:52 1999 +0000

Add function keys mapping.


 sys/arch/x68k/dev/kbdmap.c |  499 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 530 to 300 lines):

diff -r 6b7662ef3c1a -r 1d146a89c02f sys/arch/x68k/dev/kbdmap.c
--- a/sys/arch/x68k/dev/kbdmap.c        Wed Mar 24 14:11:47 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/x68k/dev/kbdmap.c        Wed Mar 24 14:12:52 1999 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: kbdmap.c,v 1.2 1998/01/05 07:03:42 perry Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD: kbdmap.c,v 1.3 1999/03/24 14:12:52 minoura Exp $       */
 /* from: arch/amiga/dev/kbdmap.c */
-/* modified for X680x0 by Masaru Oki */
+/* modified for X680x0 by Masaru Oki and Makoto MINOURA */
 #include "kbdmap.h"
-/* define a default keymap. This can be changed by keyboard ioctl's 
-   (later at least..) */
+/* define a default keymap. This can be changed by keyboard ioctl's */
 /* mode shortcuts: */
 #define        S KBD_MODE_STRING
@@ -23,228 +22,228 @@
 struct kbdmap ascii_kbdmap = {
        /* normal map */
-          0, 0,        /* 0x00 */
-          0, ESC,
-          0, '1',
-          0, '2',
-          0, '3',
-          0, '4',
-          0, '5',
-          0, '6',
-          0, '7',      /* 0x08 */
-          0, '8',
-          0, '9',
-          0, '0',
-          0, '-',
-          0, '^',
-          0, '\\',
-          0, DEL,      /* really BS, DEL & BS swapped */
-          0, '\t',     /* 0x10 */
-          C, 'q',
-          C, 'w',
-          C, 'e',
-          C, 'r',
-          C, 't',
-          C, 'y',
-          C, 'u',
-          C, 'i',      /* 0x18 */
-          C, 'o',
-          C, 'p',
-          0, '@',
-          0, '[',
-          0, '\r',     /* return */
-          C, 'a',
-          C, 's',
-          C, 'd',      /* 0x20 */
-          C, 'f',
-          C, 'g',
-          C, 'h',
-          C, 'j',
-          C, 'k',
-          C, 'l',
-          0, ';',
-          0, ':',      /* 0x28 */
-          0, ']',
-          C, 'z',
-          C, 'x',
-          C, 'c',
-          C, 'v',
-          C, 'b',
-          C, 'n',
-          C, 'm',      /* 0x30 */
-          0, ',',
-          0, '.',
-          0, '/',
-          0, '_',
-          0, ' ',
-          0, 0,        /* HOME */
-          0, '\b',     /* really DEL, BS & DEL swapped */
-          0, 0,        /* 0x38 ROLLUP */
-          0, 0,        /* ROLLDOWN */
-          0, 0,        /* UNDO */
-          S, 0x0C,     /* CRSR LEFT */
-          S, 0x00,     /* now it gets hairy.. CRSR UP */
-          S, 0x08,     /* CRSR RIGHT */
-          S, 0x04,     /* CRSR DOWN */
-          D, 0,        /* CLR */
-          K, '/',      /* 0x40 */
-          K, '*',
-          K, '-',
-          K, '7',
-          K, '8',
-          K, '9',
-          K, '+',
-          K, '4',
-          K, '5',      /* 0x48 */
-          K, '6',
-          K, '=',
-          K, '1',
-          K, '2',
-          K, '3',
-          K, '\r',     /* enter */
-          K, '0',
-          K, ',',      /* 0x50 */
-          K, '.',
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          S, 0x42,     /* HELP */
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,        /* 0x58 */
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,        /* 0x60 */
-          0, 0,
-          0, 0,
-          S, 0x10,     /* F1 */
-          S, 0x15,     /* F2 */
-          S, 0x1A,     /* F3 */
-          S, 0x1F,     /* F4 */
-          S, 0x24,     /* F5 */
-          S, 0x29,     /* F6 */
-          S, 0x2E,     /* F7 */
-          S, 0x33,     /* 0x58 F8 */
-          S, 0x38,     /* F9 */
-          S, 0x3D,     /* F10 */
+          {0, 0},      /* 0x00 */
+          {0, ESC},
+          {0, '1'},
+          {0, '2'},
+          {0, '3'},
+          {0, '4'},
+          {0, '5'},
+          {0, '6'},
+          {0, '7'},    /* 0x08 */
+          {0, '8'},
+          {0, '9'},
+          {0, '0'},
+          {0, '-'},
+          {0, '^'},
+          {0, '\\'},
+          {0, DEL},    /* really BS, DEL & BS swapped */
+          {0, '\t'},   /* 0x10 */
+          {C, 'q'},
+          {C, 'w'},
+          {C, 'e'},
+          {C, 'r'},
+          {C, 't'},
+          {C, 'y'},
+          {C, 'u'},
+          {C, 'i'},    /* 0x18 */
+          {C, 'o'},
+          {C, 'p'},
+          {0, '@'},
+          {0, '['},
+          {0, '\r'},   /* return */
+          {C, 'a'},
+          {C, 's'},
+          {C, 'd'},    /* 0x20 */
+          {C, 'f'},
+          {C, 'g'},
+          {C, 'h'},
+          {C, 'j'},
+          {C, 'k'},
+          {C, 'l'},
+          {0, ';'},
+          {0, ':'},    /* 0x28 */
+          {0, ']'},
+          {C, 'z'},
+          {C, 'x'},
+          {C, 'c'},
+          {C, 'v'},
+          {C, 'b'},
+          {C, 'n'},
+          {C, 'm'},    /* 0x30 */
+          {0, ','},
+          {0, '.'},
+          {0, '/'},
+          {0, '_'},
+          {0, ' '},
+          {S, 0x4a},   /* HOME */
+          {0, '\b'},   /* really DEL, BS & DEL swapped */
+          {S, 0x43},   /* 0x38 ROLLUP */
+          {S, 0x3e},   /* ROLLDOWN */
+          {S, 0x6a},   /* UNDO */
+          {S, 0x53},   /* CRSR LEFT */
+          {S, 0x5b},   /* CRSR UP */
+          {S, 0x57},   /* CRSR RIGHT */
+          {S, 0x4f},   /* CRSR DOWN */
+          {S, 0x5f},   /* CLR */
+          {K, '/'},    /* 0x40 */
+          {K, '*'},
+          {K, '-'},
+          {K, '7'},
+          {K, '8'},
+          {K, '9'},
+          {K, '+'},
+          {K, '4'},
+          {K, '5'},    /* 0x48 */
+          {K, '6'},
+          {K, '='},
+          {K, '1'},
+          {K, '2'},
+          {K, '3'},
+          {K, '\r'},   /* enter */
+          {K, '0'},
+          {K, ','},    /* 0x50 */
+          {K, '.'},
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {S, 0x64},   /* HELP */
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},      /* 0x58 */
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {S,0x39},    /* INS: not used */
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},      /* 0x60 */
+          {0, 0},
+          {0, 0},
+          {S, 0x00},   /* F1 */
+          {S, 0x04},   /* F2 */
+          {S, 0x08},   /* F3 */
+          {S, 0x0c},   /* F4 */
+          {S, 0x10},   /* F5 */
+          {S, 0x16},   /* F6 */
+          {S, 0x1c},   /* F7 */
+          {S, 0x22},   /* 0x68 F8 */
+          {S, 0x28},   /* F9 */
+          {S, 0x2e},   /* F10 */
        /* shifted map */
-          0, 0,        /* 0x00 */
-          0, ESC,
-          0, '!',
-          0, '\"',
-          0, '#',
-          0, '$',
-          0, '%',
-          0, '&',
-          0, '\'',     /* 0x08 */
-          0, '(',
-          0, ')',
-          0, 0,
-          0, '=',
-          0, '~',
-          0, '|',
-          0, DEL,      /* really BS, DEL & BS swapped */
-          0, '\t',     /* 0x10 shift TAB */
-          C, 'Q',
-          C, 'W',
-          C, 'E',
-          C, 'R',
-          C, 'T',
-          C, 'Y',
-          C, 'U',
-          C, 'I',      /* 0x18 */
-          C, 'O',
-          C, 'P',
-          0, '`',
-          0, '{',
-          0, '\r',     /* return */
-          C, 'A',
-          C, 'S',
-          C, 'D',      /* 0x20 */
-          C, 'F',
-          C, 'G',
-          C, 'H',
-          C, 'J',
-          C, 'K',
-          C, 'L',
-          0, '+',
-          0, '*',      /* 0x28 */
-          0, '}',
-          C, 'Z',      
-          C, 'X',
-          C, 'C',
-          C, 'V',
-          C, 'B',
-          C, 'N',
-          C, 'M',      /* 0x30 */
-          0, '<',      /* 0x38 */
-          0, '>',
-          0, '?',
-          0, '_',
-          0, ' ',
-          0, 0,        /* HOME */

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