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[src/trunk]: src/external/bsd/wpa/dist/src/common This is an initial step tow...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 455711:7a68b2fc0fa4
user:      christos <>
date:      Wed Apr 10 18:00:45 2019 +0000

This is an initial step towards making the FFC case use strictly
constant time operations similarly to the ECC case.
sae_test_pwd_seed_ffc() does not yet have constant time behavior,


 external/bsd/wpa/dist/src/common/sae.c |  53 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diffs (84 lines):

diff -r 5ef95cf0a00a -r 7a68b2fc0fa4 external/bsd/wpa/dist/src/common/sae.c
--- a/external/bsd/wpa/dist/src/common/sae.c    Wed Apr 10 18:00:21 2019 +0000
+++ b/external/bsd/wpa/dist/src/common/sae.c    Wed Apr 10 18:00:45 2019 +0000
@@ -589,17 +589,28 @@
                              const u8 *addr2, const u8 *password,
                              size_t password_len, const char *identifier)
-       u8 counter, k;
+       u8 counter, k, sel_counter = 0;
        u8 addrs[2 * ETH_ALEN];
        const u8 *addr[3];
        size_t len[3];
        size_t num_elem;
-       int found = 0;
-       struct crypto_bignum *pwe = NULL;
+       u8 found = 0; /* 0 (false) or 0xff (true) to be used as const_time_*
+                      * mask */
+       u8 mask;
+       struct crypto_bignum *pwe;
+       size_t prime_len = sae->tmp->prime_len * 8;
+       u8 *pwe_buf;
        crypto_bignum_deinit(sae->tmp->pwe_ffc, 1);
        sae->tmp->pwe_ffc = NULL;
+       /* Allocate a buffer to maintain selected and candidate PWE for constant
+        * time selection. */
+       pwe_buf = os_zalloc(prime_len * 2);
+       pwe = crypto_bignum_init();
+       if (!pwe_buf || !pwe)
+               goto fail;
        wpa_hexdump_ascii_key(MSG_DEBUG, "SAE: password",
                              password, password_len);
@@ -638,27 +649,33 @@
                if (hmac_sha256_vector(addrs, sizeof(addrs), num_elem,
                                       addr, len, pwd_seed) < 0)
-               if (!pwe) {
-                       pwe = crypto_bignum_init();
-                       if (!pwe)
-                               break;
-               }
                res = sae_test_pwd_seed_ffc(sae, pwd_seed, pwe);
+               /* res is -1 for fatal failure, 0 if a valid PWE was not found,
+                * or 1 if a valid PWE was found. */
                if (res < 0)
-               if (res > 0) {
-                       found = 1;
-                       if (!sae->tmp->pwe_ffc) {
-                               wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "SAE: Use this PWE");
-                               sae->tmp->pwe_ffc = pwe;
-                               pwe = NULL;
-                       }
-               }
+               /* Store the candidate PWE into the second half of pwe_buf and
+                * the selected PWE in the beginning of pwe_buf using constant
+                * time selection. */
+               if (crypto_bignum_to_bin(pwe, pwe_buf + prime_len, prime_len,
+                                        prime_len) < 0)
+                       break;
+               const_time_select_bin(found, pwe_buf, pwe_buf + prime_len,
+                                     prime_len, pwe_buf);
+               sel_counter = const_time_select_u8(found, sel_counter, counter);
+               mask = const_time_eq_u8(res, 1);
+               found = const_time_select_u8(found, found, mask);
-       crypto_bignum_deinit(pwe, 1);
+       if (!found)
+               goto fail;
-       return found ? 0 : -1;
+       wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "SAE: Use PWE from counter = %02u", sel_counter);
+       sae->tmp->pwe_ffc = crypto_bignum_init_set(pwe_buf, prime_len);
+       crypto_bignum_deinit(pwe, 1);
+       bin_clear_free(pwe_buf, prime_len * 2);
+       return sae->tmp->pwe_ffc ? 0 : -1;

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