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[src/trunk]: src/tests/bin/sh Add a test case for the various ways that ${xxx...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 353616:3198b2d3e18b
user:      kre <>
date:      Sun May 14 11:28:49 2017 +0000

Add a test case for the various ways that ${xxx} expansions, which
contain a # character, can get parsed (which amounts to 86 extra checks,
any Australian can tell you why I decided to stop there and not add one


 tests/bin/sh/ |  162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (189 lines):

diff -r 1e8254e2c404 -r 3198b2d3e18b tests/bin/sh/
--- a/tests/bin/sh/  Sun May 14 11:25:09 2017 +0000
+++ b/tests/bin/sh/  Sun May 14 11:28:49 2017 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.11 2017/03/20 11:48:41 kre Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.12 2017/05/14 11:28:49 kre Exp $
 # Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -430,13 +430,170 @@
+atf_test_case dollar_hash
+dollar_hash_head() {
+       atf_set "descr" 'Test expansion of various aspects of $#'
+dollar_hash_body() {
+#      $# looks like it should be so simple that it doesn't really
+#      need a test of its own, and used in that way, it really doesn't.
+#      But when we add braces ${#} we need to deal with the three
+#      (almost 4) different meanings of a # inside a ${} expansion...
+#              1.   ${#} is just $# (number of params)
+#              1.a     ${\#} is nothing at all (error: invalid expansion)
+#              1.b     ${\#...} (anything after) is the same (invalid)
+#              2.   ${#VAR} is the length of the value VAR
+#              2.a     Including ${##} - the length of ${#}
+#              3    ${VAR#pat} is the value of VAR with leading pat removed
+#              3.a     Including ${VAR#} which just removes leading nothing
+#                      This is relevant in case of ${VAR#${X}} with X=''
+#              3.b     ${##} is not a case of 3.a but rather 2.a 
+#              3.c     Yet ${##pat} is a case of 3.a
+#                      Including ${##${X}} where X='' or X='#'
+#              3.d     And ${#\#} is invalid (error)
+#              3.e     But ${##\#} removes a leading # from the value of $#
+#                      (so is just $# as there is no leading # there)
+#              4    ${VAR##pat} is the value of VAR with longest pat removed
+#              4.a     Including ${VAR##} which removes the longest nothing
+#              4.b     Which in this case includes ${###} (so is == $#)
+#              4.c     But not ${##\#} which is $# with a leading '#' removed
+#                      (and so is also == $#), i.e.: like ${###} but different.
+#              4.d     As is ${###\#} or just ${####} - remove  # (so just $#)
+       reset dollar_hash
+       check 'set -- ; echo $#'                        '0'             0  # 1
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo $#'                   '3'             0  # 2
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo $#'     '10'            0  # 3
+# rule 1
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${#}'                      '0'             0  # 4
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#}'                 '3'             0  # 5
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${#}'   '10'            0  # 6
+# rule 1.a
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${\#}'                ''              2  # 7
+# rule 1.b
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${\#:-foo}'           ''              2  # 8
+# rule 2
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${#VAR}'                 '5'             0  # 9
+       check 'VAR=123456789012; echo ${#VAR}'          '12'            0  #10
+# rule 2.a
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${##}'                     '1'             0  #11
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${##}'                '1'             0  #12
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${##}'  '2'             0  #13
+# rule 3
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#1}'                '2345'          0  #14
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#2}'                '12345'         0  #15
+       check 'VAR=#2345; echo ${VAR#\#}'               '2345'          0  #16
+       check 'X=1; VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#${X}}'        '2345'          0  #17
+       check 'X=1; VAR=#2345; echo ${VAR#${X}}'        '#2345'         0  #18
+# rule 3.a
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#}'                 '12345'         0  #19
+       check 'X=; VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#${X}}'         '12345'         0  #20
+# rule 3.b (tested above, rule 2.a)
+# rule 3.c
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${##0}'                    ''              0  #21
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${##1}'               '3'             0  #22
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${##1}' '0'             0  #23
+       check 'X=0; set -- ; echo ${##${X}}'            ''              0  #24
+       check 'X=; set -- ; echo ${##${X}}'             '0'             0  #25
+       check 'X=1; set -- a b c; echo ${##${X}}'       '3'             0  #26
+       check 'X=1; set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${##${X}}' '0'     0  #27
+       check 'X=; set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${##${X}}'  '10'    0  #28
+       check 'X=#; VAR=#2345; echo ${VAR#${X}}'        '2345'          0  #29
+       check 'X=#; VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#${X}}'        '12345'         0  #30
+# rule 3.d
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#\#}'               ''              2  #31
+# rule 3.e
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${##\#}'                   '0'             0  #32
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${##\#}' '10'           0  #33
+# rule 4
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR##1}'               '2345'          0  #34
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR##\1}'              '2345'          0  #35
+# rule 4.a
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR##}'                '12345'         0  #36
+# rule 4.b
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${###}'                    '0'             0  #37
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${###}' '10'            0  #38
+# rule 4.c
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#\#}'               '12345'         0  #39
+       check 'VAR=12345; echo ${VAR#\#1}'              '12345'         0  #40
+       check 'VAR=#2345; echo ${VAR#\#}'               '2345'          0  #41
+       check 'VAR=#12345; echo ${VAR#\#1}'             '2345'          0  #42
+       check 'VAR=#2345; echo ${VAR#\#1}'              '#2345'         0  #43
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${####}'                   '0'             0  #44
+       check 'set -- ; echo ${###\#}'                  '0'             0  #45
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${####}' '10'           0  #46
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j; echo ${###\#}' '10'          0  #47
+# now check for some more utter nonsense, not mentioned in the rules
+# above (doesn't need to be)
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x:-1}'    ''              2  #48
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x-1}'     ''              2  #49
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x:+1}'    ''              2  #50
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x+1}'     ''              2  #51
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x+1}'     ''              2  #52
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x:?msg}'  ''              2  #53
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x?msg}'   ''              2  #54
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x:=val}'  ''              2  #55
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x=val}'   ''              2  #56
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x#h}'     ''              2  #57
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x#*l}'    ''              2  #58
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x##*l}'   ''              2  #59
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x%o}'     ''              2  #60
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x%l*}'    ''              2  #61
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#x%%l*}'   ''              2  #62
+# but just to be complete, these ones should work
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#%5}'      '3'             0  #63
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#%3}'      ''              0  #64
+       check 'x=hello; set -- a b c; echo ${#%?}'      ''              0  #65
+       check 'X=#; set -- a b c; echo ${#%${X}}'       '3'             0  #66
+       check 'X=3; set -- a b c; echo ${#%${X}}'       ''              0  #67
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#%%5}'              '3'             0  #68
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#%%3}'              ''              0  #69
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%1}' '12'        0  #70
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%2}' '1'         0  #71
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%?}' '1'         0  #72
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%[012]}' '1'     0  #73
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%[0-4]}' '1'     0  #74
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%?2}' ''         0  #75
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%1*}' ''         0  #76
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%%2}' '1'        0  #77
+       check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l; echo ${#%%1*}' ''        0  #78
+# and this lot are stupid, as $# is never unset or null, but they do work...
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#:-99}'             '3'             0  #79
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#-99}'              '3'             0  #80
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#:+99}'             '99'            0  #81
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#+99}'              '99'            0  #82
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#:?bogus}'          '3'             0  #83
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#?bogus}'           '3'             0  #84
+# even this utter nonsense is OK, as while special params cannot be
+# set this way, here, as $# is not unset, or null, the assignment
+# never happens (isn't even attempted)
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#:=bogus}'          '3'             0  #85
+       check 'set -- a b c; echo ${#=bogus}'           '3'             0  #86
+       results
 atf_test_case dollar_star
 dollar_star_head() {
        atf_set "descr" 'Test expansion of various aspects of $*'
 dollar_star_body() {
-       reset # dollar_star
+       reset dollar_star
        check 'set -- a b c; echo $# $*'                '3 a b c'       0  # 1
        check 'set -- a b c; echo $# "$*"'              '3 a b c'       0  # 2
@@ -668,6 +825,7 @@
        atf_add_test_case arithmetic
        atf_add_test_case dollar_at
        atf_add_test_case dollar_at_with_text
+       atf_add_test_case dollar_hash
        atf_add_test_case dollar_star
        atf_add_test_case dollar_star_in_quoted_word
        atf_add_test_case dollar_star_in_word

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