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[src/trunk]: src/external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules update for xkey...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 356058:5b9cbf42111d
user:      mrg <>
date:      Tue Aug 29 20:27:54 2017 +0000

update for xkeyboard-config 2.21.


 external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base      |    4 +-
 external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base.lst  |  638 ++++++++--------
 external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/evdev     |    1 +
 external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/evdev.lst |  638 ++++++++--------
 4 files changed, 642 insertions(+), 639 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 2192 to 300 lines):

diff -r b7b21ef9d5f3 -r 5b9cbf42111d external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base
--- a/external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base Tue Aug 29 19:14:04 2017 +0000
+++ b/external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base Tue Aug 29 20:27:54 2017 +0000
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
               sven sven303 symplon \
               toshiba_s3000 trust trustda \
               unitekkb1925 yahoo \
-              teck227 teck229
+              teck227 teck229 \
+              apex300
 ! $inetmediakbds = acer_ferrari4k acer_laptop btc5090 btc9019u cherryblueb \
                cherrybluea herrycyboard chicony042 compaqik13 compaqik18 \
@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@
   thinkpad     =       thinkpad(intl)
   thinkpad60   =       thinkpad(60)
   thinkpadz60  =       thinkpad(60)
+  apex300      =       steelseries(apex300)
  $tmgeometries =       typematrix(%m)
   winbook      =       winbook(XP5)
   pc98         =       nec(pc98)
diff -r b7b21ef9d5f3 -r 5b9cbf42111d external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base.lst
--- a/external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base.lst     Tue Aug 29 19:14:04 2017 +0000
+++ b/external/mit/xorg/lib/xkeyboard-config/rules/base.lst     Tue Aug 29 20:27:54 2017 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ! model
   pc101           Generic 101-key PC
-  pc102           Generic 102-key (Intl) PC
+  pc102           Generic 101-key PC (intl.)
   pc104           Generic 104-key PC
-  pc105           Generic 105-key (Intl) PC
+  pc105           Generic 105-key PC (intl.)
   dell101         Dell 101-key PC
-  latitude        Dell Latitude series laptop
-  dellm65         Dell Precision M65
+  latitude        Dell Latutude laptop
+  dellm65         Dell Precision M65 laptop
   everex          Everex STEPnote
   flexpro         Keytronic FlexPro
   microsoft       Microsoft Natural
   omnikey101      Northgate OmniKey 101
   winbook         Winbook Model XP5
-  pc98            PC-98xx Series
+  pc98            PC-98
   a4techKB21      A4Tech KB-21
   a4techKBS8      A4Tech KBS-8
   a4_rfkb23       A4Tech Wireless Desktop RFKB-23
   airkey          Acer AirKey V
-  azonaRF2300     Azona RF2300 wireless Internet Keyboard
+  azonaRF2300     Azona RF2300 wireless Internet
   scorpius        Advance Scorpius KI
-  brother         Brother Internet Keyboard
+  brother         Brother Internet
   btc5113rf       BTC 5113RF Multimedia
   btc5126t        BTC 5126T
   btc6301urf      BTC 6301URF
@@ -30,34 +30,34 @@
   btc9116u        BTC 9116U Mini Wireless Internet and Gaming
   cherryblue      Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd
   cherryblueb     Cherry CyMotion Master XPress
-  cherrybluea     Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd (alternate option)
+  cherrybluea     Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd (alt.)
   cherrycyboard   Cherry CyBo@rd USB-Hub
   cherrycmexpert  Cherry CyMotion Expert
   cherrybunlim    Cherry B.UNLIMITED
-  chicony         Chicony Internet Keyboard
+  chicony         Chicony Internet
   chicony0108     Chicony KU-0108
   chicony0420     Chicony KU-0420
   chicony9885     Chicony KB-9885
-  compaqeak8      Compaq Easy Access Keyboard
-  compaqik7       Compaq Internet Keyboard (7 keys)
-  compaqik13      Compaq Internet Keyboard (13 keys)
-  compaqik18      Compaq Internet Keyboard (18 keys)
+  compaqeak8      Compaq Easy Access
+  compaqik7       Compaq Internet (7 keys)
+  compaqik13      Compaq Internet (13 keys)
+  compaqik18      Compaq Internet (18 keys)
   cymotionlinux   Cherry CyMotion Master Linux
-  armada          Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Armada) Laptop Keyboard
-  presario        Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Presario) Internet Keyboard
-  ipaq            Compaq iPaq Keyboard
+  armada          Compaq Armada laptop
+  presario        Compaq Presario laptop
+  ipaq            Compaq iPaq
   dell            Dell
   dellsk8125      Dell SK-8125
   dellsk8135      Dell SK-8135
-  dellusbmm       Dell USB Multimedia Keyboard
-  inspiron        Dell Laptop/notebook Inspiron 6xxx/8xxx
-  precision_m     Dell Laptop/notebook Precision M series
-  dexxa           Dexxa Wireless Desktop Keyboard
-  diamond         Diamond 9801 / 9802 series
+  dellusbmm       Dell USB Multimedia
+  inspiron        Dell Inspiron 6000/8000 laptop
+  precision_m     Dell Precision M laptop
+  dexxa           Dexxa Wireless Desktop
+  diamond         Diamond 9801/9802
   dtk2000         DTK2000
   ennyah_dkb1008  Ennyah DKB-1008
-  fscaa1667g      Fujitsu-Siemens Computers AMILO laptop
-  genius          Genius Comfy KB-16M / Genius MM Keyboard KWD-910
+  fscaa1667g      Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo laptop
+  genius          Genius Comfy KB-16M/Multimedia KWD-910
   geniuscomfy     Genius Comfy KB-12e
   geniuscomfy2    Genius Comfy KB-21e-Scroll
   geniuskb19e     Genius KB-19e NB
@@ -65,127 +65,128 @@
   gyration        Gyration
   htcdream        HTC Dream
   kinesis         Kinesis
-  logitech_base   Logitech Generic Keyboard
+  logitech_base   Logitech
   logitech_g15    Logitech G15 extra keys via G15daemon
-  hpi6            Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard
-  hp250x          Hewlett-Packard SK-250x Multimedia Keyboard
+  hpi6            Hewlett-Packard Internet
+  hp250x          Hewlett-Packard NEC SK-2500 Multimedia
   hpxe3gc         Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GC
   hpxe3gf         Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GF
   hpxt1000        Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XT1000
   hpdv5           Hewlett-Packard Pavilion dv5
-  hpzt11xx        Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZT11xx
+  hpzt11xx        Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZT1100
   hp500fa         Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 500 FA
-  hp5xx           Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 5xx
+  hp5xx           Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 500
   hpnx9020        Hewlett-Packard nx9020
   hp6000          Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 6000/6100
   honeywell_euroboard Honeywell Euroboard
-  hpmini110       Hewlett-Packard Mini 110 Notebook
+  hpmini110       Hewlett-Packard Mini 110 laptop
   rapidaccess     IBM Rapid Access
   rapidaccess2    IBM Rapid Access II
   thinkpad        IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E
   thinkpad60      IBM ThinkPad R60/T60/R61/T61
   thinkpadz60     IBM ThinkPad Z60m/Z60t/Z61m/Z61t
   ibm_spacesaver  IBM Space Saver
-  logiaccess      Logitech Access Keyboard
+  logiaccess      Logitech Access
   logiclx300      Logitech Cordless Desktop LX-300
-  logii350        Logitech Internet 350 Keyboard
-  logimel         Logitech Media Elite Keyboard
+  logii350        Logitech Internet 350
+  logimel         Logitech Internet 350
   logicd          Logitech Cordless Desktop
   logicd_it       Logitech Cordless Desktop iTouch
   logicd_nav      Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator
   logicd_opt      Logitech Cordless Desktop Optical
-  logicda         Logitech Cordless Desktop (alternate option)
-  logicdpa2       Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro (alternate option 2)
+  logicda         Logitech Cordless Desktop (alt.)
+  logicdpa2       Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro (2nd alt.)
   logicfn         Logitech Cordless Freedom/Desktop Navigator
   logicdn         Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator
-  logiitc         Logitech iTouch Cordless Keyboard (model Y-RB6)
-  logiik          Logitech Internet Keyboard
+  logiitc         Logitech iTouch Cordless Y-RB6
+  logiik          Logitech Internet
   itouch          Logitech iTouch
-  logicink        Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard
+  logicink        Logitech Internet Navigator
   logiex110       Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110
-  logiinkse       Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE
-  logiinkseusb    Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE (USB)
-  logiultrax      Logitech Ultra-X Keyboard
-  logiultraxc     Logitech Ultra-X Cordless Media Desktop Keyboard
-  logidinovo      Logitech diNovo Keyboard
-  logidinovoedge  Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard
+  logiinkse       Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator SE
+  logiinkseusb    Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator SE USB
+  logiultrax      Logitech Ultra-X
+  logiultraxc     Logitech Ultra-X Cordless Media Desktop
+  logidinovo      Logitech diNovo
+  logidinovoedge  Logitech diNovo Edge
   mx1998          Memorex MX1998
-  mx2500          Memorex MX2500 EZ-Access Keyboard
+  mx2500          Memorex MX2500 EZ-Access
   mx2750          Memorex MX2750
-  microsoft4000   Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000
-  microsoft7000   Microsoft Natural Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard 7000
-  microsoftinet   Microsoft Internet Keyboard
-  microsoftpro    Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro
-  microsoftprousb Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro USB / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro
-  microsoftprooem Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro OEM
-  vsonku306       ViewSonic KU-306 Internet Keyboard
-  microsoftprose  Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, Swedish
+  microsoft4000   Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
+  microsoft7000   Microsoft Natural Wireless Ergonomic 7000
+  microsoftinet   Microsoft Internet
+  microsoftpro    Microsoft Natural Pro/Internet Pro
+  microsoftprousb Microsoft Natural Pro USB/Internet Pro
+  microsoftprooem Microsoft Natural Pro OEM
+  vsonku306       ViewSonic KU-306 Internet
+  microsoftprose  Microsoft Internet Pro (Swedish)
   microsoftoffice Microsoft Office Keyboard
-  microsoftmult   Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.0A
-  microsoftelite  Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite
-  microsoftccurve2k Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000
-  oretec          Ortek MCK-800 MM/Internet keyboard
-  propeller       Propeller Voyager (KTEZ-1000)
+  microsoftmult   Microsoft Wireless Multimedia 1.0A
+  microsoftelite  Microsoft Natural Elite
+  microsoftccurve2k Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000
+  oretec          Ortek Multimedia/Internet MCK-800
+  propeller       Propeller Voyager KTEZ-1000
   qtronix         QTronix Scorpius 98N+
   samsung4500     Samsung SDM 4500P
   samsung4510     Samsung SDM 4510P
   sanwaskbkg3     Sanwa Supply SKB-KG3
-  sk1300          SK-1300
-  sk2500          SK-2500
-  sk6200          SK-6200
-  sk7100          SK-7100
-  sp_inet         Super Power Multimedia Keyboard
+  sk1300          NEC SK-1300
+  sk2500          NEC SK-2500
+  sk6200          NEC SK-6200
+  sk7100          NEC SK-7100
+  sp_inet         Super Power Multimedia
   sven            SVEN Ergonomic 2500
   sven303         SVEN Slim 303
-  symplon         Symplon PaceBook (tablet PC)
+  symplon         Symplon PaceBook tablet
   toshiba_s3000   Toshiba Satellite S3000
-  trust           Trust Wireless Keyboard Classic
-  trustda         Trust Direct Access Keyboard
+  trust           Trust Wireless Classic
+  trustda         Trust Direct Access
   trust_slimline  Trust Slimline
   tm2020          TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2020
   tm2030PS2       TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 PS2
   tm2030USB       TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 USB
   tm2030USB-102   TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 USB (102/105:EU mode)
   tm2030USB-106   TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 USB (106:JP mode)
-  yahoo           Yahoo! Internet Keyboard
+  yahoo           Yahoo! Internet
   macbook78       MacBook/MacBook Pro
-  macbook79       MacBook/MacBook Pro (Intl)
+  macbook79       MacBook/MacBook Pro (intl.)
   macintosh       Macintosh
   macintosh_old   Macintosh Old
-  macintosh_hhk   Happy Hacking Keyboard for Mac
+  macintosh_hhk   Happy Hacking for Mac
   acer_c300       Acer C300
   acer_ferrari4k  Acer Ferrari 4000
-  acer_laptop     Acer Laptop
-  asus_laptop     Asus Laptop
+  acer_laptop     Acer laptop
+  asus_laptop     Asus laptop
   apple           Apple
-  apple_laptop    Apple Laptop
-  applealu_ansi   Apple Aluminium Keyboard (ANSI)
-  applealu_iso    Apple Aluminium Keyboard (ISO)
-  applealu_jis    Apple Aluminium Keyboard (JIS)
-  silvercrest     SILVERCREST Multimedia Wireless Keyboard
-  emachines       Laptop/notebook eMachines m68xx
+  apple_laptop    Apple laptop
+  applealu_ansi   Apple Aluminium (ANSI)
+  applealu_iso    Apple Aluminium (ISO)
+  applealu_jis    Apple Aluminium (JIS)
+  silvercrest     Silvercrest Multimedia Wireless
+  emachines       eMachines m6800 laptop
   benqx           BenQ X-Touch
   benqx730        BenQ X-Touch 730
   benqx800        BenQ X-Touch 800
-  hhk             Happy Hacking Keyboard
+  hhk             Happy Hacking
   classmate       Classmate PC
   olpc            OLPC
   sun_type7_usb   Sun Type 7 USB
-  sun_type7_euro_usb Sun Type 7 USB (European layout)
-  sun_type7_unix_usb Sun Type 7 USB (Unix layout)
-  sun_type7_jp_usb Sun Type 7 USB (Japanese layout) / Japanese 106-key
+  sun_type7_euro_usb Sun Type 7 USB (European)
+  sun_type7_unix_usb Sun Type 7 USB (Unix)
+  sun_type7_jp_usb Sun Type 7 USB (Japanese)/Japanese 106-key
   sun_type6_usb   Sun Type 6/7 USB
-  sun_type6_euro_usb Sun Type 6/7 USB (European layout)
-  sun_type6_unix_usb Sun Type 6 USB (Unix layout)
-  sun_type6_jp_usb Sun Type 6 USB (Japanese layout)
-  sun_type6_jp    Sun Type 6 (Japanese layout)
+  sun_type6_euro_usb Sun Type 6/7 USB (European)
+  sun_type6_unix_usb Sun Type 6 USB (Unix)
+  sun_type6_jp_usb Sun Type 6 USB (Japanese)
+  sun_type6_jp    Sun Type 6 (Japanese)
   targa_v811      Targa Visionary 811
   unitekkb1925    Unitek KB-1925
   compalfl90      FL90
   creativedw7000  Creative Desktop Wireless 7000
   htcdream        Htc Dream phone
-  teck227         Truly Ergonomic Computer Keyboard Model 227 (Wide Alt keys)
-  teck229         Truly Ergonomic Computer Keyboard Model 229 (Standard sized Alt keys, additional Super and Menu key)
+  teck227         Truly Ergonomic 227
+  teck229         Truly Ergonomic 229
+  apex300         SteelSeries Apex 300 (Apex RAW)
 ! layout
   us              English (US)
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@

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