Subject: Re: Beer soonish?
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: regional-sfba
Date: 09/13/2006 15:50:22
On Sep 5, 2006, at 10:38 AM, Jeff Rizzo wrote:

> Erik Berls wrote:
>> My vote is for 21st amendment.  Thirsty Bear and Magnolia both tend  
>> to
>> be too crowded for the size of the place.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to miss this one.  Heather  
forgot to put on the calendar a BBQ were are hosting for a from-out-of- 
town friend that night.

Shall we go ahead and schedule another one for a couple of weeks from  
now? :-)

> In the interest  of actually making a decision before next Thursday,
> let's say  21st Amendment (on 2nd street, between Bryant and  
> Brannan) on
> Thursday the 14th.  Looks like the Giants play at 12:30, so we  
> shouldn't
> have to worry about game traffic. I'll be there sometime between 7  
> and 7:30.
> +j

-- thorpej