Subject: Re: San Francisco gathering during NANOG?
To: Erik Berls <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: regional-sfba
Date: 05/16/2004 10:18:35
On Sun, May 16, 2004 at 08:47:55AM -0700, Erik Berls wrote:
> If we are thinking Zeitgeist we should check their hours on
> Sunday/Tuesday.
OK, a quick phone call confirms that they're open until 2am
Sunday, so I vote for Zeitgeist (199 Valencia, at Duboce -
2 blocks from Market St., about 4 blocks from the 16th
St. BART station) on Sunday the 23rd (A week from today!)
I'll probably show up around 6 - I'll probably have to leave around 10 or
11, and I want to get my share in. :) Others are free to make
their own schedules, of course. :)
Jeff Rizzo