Subject: Re: San Francisco gathering during NANOG?
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: regional-sfba
Date: 05/15/2004 20:07:24
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On May 14, 2004, at 11:05 AM, Jeff Rizzo wrote:

> NANOG 31 is in the Westin St. Francis Hotel from May 23-25... anyone
> up for a NetBSD-related beering one of those days?

Rats, I have to go to Austin on business those days :-/

> Any suggestions for a bar in or around Union Square?  Not my usual
> stomping grounds...

The bar at the Clift Hotel (Redwood Room) is great. Drinks a little 
pricey, but they make good ones, plus the space is just amazing, the 
art is cool, the music is cool, and the place is filled with beautiful 
people.  Geary @ Taylor.

         -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

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