Subject: Re: Ciekawy komunikat .....Qmail i NetBSD
To: MADH <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: regional-pl
Date: 05/26/2003 23:03:00
> Witam
> Pytanie dla tych kt=F3rzy u=BFywaj=B9 NetBSD i Qmaila.
> Co mo=BFe oznacza=E6 taki error ...
> MA to co=9C wsp=F3lnego z ilo=9Cci=B9 deskryptor=F3w ?
> gulasz# make
> /chkspawn
> Oops. Your system's FD_SET() has a hidden limit of 256 descriptors.
> This means that the qmail daemons could crash if you set the run-time
> concurrency higher than 125. So I'm going to insist that the concurrency
> limit in conf-spawn be at most 125. Right now it's 509.
> *** Error code 1
> Tak sprawdzilem dla ciekawo=9Cci czy da si=EA to skompilowa=E6 gdzie indz=
iej i Linux
> Slackware bez zaj=B9kni=EAcie da=B3 skompilowa=E6 ten kod ....
przed kompilacj=B1
ulimit -n <wi=EAcej ni=BF 256>