On Jul 13, 2009, at 3:51 PM, matthew sporleder wrote:
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:50 PM, matthew sporleder<msporleder%gmail.com@localhost
On 7/9/09, matthew sporleder <msporleder%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
Hi, are there any netbsd events happening this weekend or next
I'll be in the city from friday to friday.
This weekend I am away, but we can arrange something for next
Cool. I'll be checking my email.
How about wednesday or thursday for beers somewhere downtown?
Our usual day is Thursday. Fish bar. 5th btwn 2nd and Bowery (6
@ Astor
Place is the closest subway stop, no matter what Roland says.
Never trust a
guy who grew up in Zimbabwe to navigate the subway for you).
We usually get there a little after 6.
[Please stand-by while Christos prepares and delivers a crack
about how it
isn't _my_ usual day]