I'll be there too, if they're letting schmonzes in off the street? On May 21, 2008, at 2:56 PM, "Johnny C. Lam" <jlam%pkgsrc.org@localhost> wrote:
Jan Schaumann wrote:Bill Squier <William.Squier%morganstanley.com@localhost> wrote:http://www.slate-ny.com/The social event runs from 6:30 - 8:30 (54 W 21st, btw 6th and bway).What time will people be there? Ie, are we crashing the social or showing up afterwards? 'Cause I might come, too. If they let me in, that is.I'm interested too. I'd have to leave by 7:30pm but if folks will be there early, then there's still time to get some serious drinking in.Cheers, -- Johnny C. Lam