Subject: day at the races
To: nyc <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 07/28/2007 10:43:25
I'd like to propose an outing, new bat time, new bat station.
This Tuesday, July 31. Join me on the docks of Manhattan Sailing Club at
6:00. There's a launch that leaves every 30 minutes -- at 15 before and
after the hour -- that goes to our clubhouse, anchored in the harbor just
north of Ellis Island. From there, you can watch the Tuesday night
sailboat race, about 20 J24s struggling with wind and tide.
The race starts at 6:30 and lasts about an hour; everything should be over
by 8:00. The clubhouse remains open, however, for our Full Moon party,
which should go pretty late.
The beer offerings are pretty slim and ordinary, unfortunately. There
will also be wine and mixed drinks, and I'm pretty sure I've seen Kettle
One there. There's no food provided, BYOF. No, Li'l Frankies doesn't
I'll be on Race Committee duty early on, organizing the start of the race,
monitoring its progress, and recording the finish. After that I plan to
watch the sunset and knock back a few Heineckens with my friends.
Details. The docks are in North Cove, just in front of the Winter Garden,
near Liberty Street in Battery Park City. The fare for the launch is $5.
First departure is 6:15, every 30 minutes thereafter, last return is
whenever they kick us off.
If you don't meet me at 6:00 but come later, just go down on the docks and
ask where the launch leaves from. It's open to members and guests, not
the public. If someone asks, say you're with me. There won't be a
problem, but if there is just call me.