Subject: Re: NYCBSDCon table-sitters?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 10/18/2006 21:17:26
Johnny Lam wrote:
> we have no CDs or flyers to hand out, so I 
> would guess we would just be displaying hardware running NetBSD.  Does 
> anyone have any interest in manning a NetBSD table?  If so, what 
> hardware can you bring?

It's an interesting question: Given time and resources, how *should*
NetBSD present itself at the NYCBSD?  I guess it's an advocacy question,
because I don't see how 


is involved, making it, I know, off-topic for this list.  Apologies.

I was about to volunteer to print up some flyers, but thinking about the
audience, the flyer is IMO not on-target.  And, really, anyone at the
NYCBSD knows how to download the images and install them.  I'm not sure
CDs do anyone much of a favor.  

(I don't mean to rain on your parade, Miles.  I'm just wondering if your
time couldn't be better spent.)  

My suggestions are unfortunately probably infeasible on such short notice:

* My only thought on printed matter would be a spiral-bound "NYCBSD
exclusive" edition of the Handbook.  $10?  Something like that?  

* Regarding hardware, I have my VAX.  But it's running 1.6 and, uh,
-current doesn't compile on the VAX nowadays because of gcc issues AIUI. 
But if it did work, it might be cool to have the framebuffer console
hooked up to it.  

I've always thought the best "advertisement" for NetBSD would be something
specialized and unusual, something working that can be demonstrated for
which we can hand out either an installable/bootable CD or instructions on
how to re-create it.  Like, I think the best way to sell Legos is by
having cool stuff made of Legos to ooh and aah at.  

Conclusion: I'm not willing to do anything, mostly for lack of anything
compelling to do. 
