Subject: RE: Ber?
To: 'Roland C. Dowdeswell' <>
From: Lindgren, Jon <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 02/26/2004 17:45:48
> Uh, Jon, we are trying to be nice here, but I think that it
> is quite important for you to realise we generally do not
> appreciate off-topic posts on this list. The list is about
> beer (Net-Beer Swilling Devotes). If you are going to talk
> about computer stuff, not only will many list members not
> know what you are going on about, but many of us are frankly
> scared of technology in general---at least I know that I am!
> We would, I think, appreciate it if you would at least
> clearly mark it in the subject if you are going to talk about
> off-topic [and scary] things like computers and stuff.
> But, now to bring it back around to the thing that we all
> have in common... beer at dba. I think that I'll probably
> show around 7.5p or thereabouts.
> P.S. Jon, I hope that you have all this technical stuff out
> of your system by then 'coz we don't wanna be all frightened
> and stuff when trying to consume the ... BER. Until then, I
> suppose that I've more hackin' to do...
I'm bringing my laptop.