Subject: Re: Beer and a q
To: Lindgren, Jon <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 02/06/2004 10:03:49
Lindgren, Jon wrote:

>>>Quick q: I'm tounge tied and can't remember the term used 
>>>to describe 
>>>the behavior of a VM which doesn't swap mmap'd files into "usual" 
>>>swap, but simply discards the page and reloads it from the actual 
>>>mmap'd file.
>>Um...don't all VM's do this? It would be the easiest way to 
>>do mmap. (Otherwise, if someone tries to read or write that 
>>page of the file using "regular" I/O calls, the system would 
>>have to know that it needs to pull that page from the swap 
>>rather than from the file itself. Keeping the extra copy is 
>>harder, not easier!)
> Yes - all VM's I know do this.  I was explaining it to somebody, and
> completely forgot the term used to decribe (name) it, that's all.

i think the word you're looking for is "normal".

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