Subject: Re: Beer
To: Lindgren, Jon <>
From: Aron Roberts <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 06/06/2003 08:58:06
And you claim a Sysadmin did this?

On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 07:39  AM, Lindgren, Jon wrote:

>> -blink- and keep the eyes shut for a while. Yes, the good ol'
>> days. Yes, curt is right; the idjit issue gets minimized
>> proportionally to 1 / (nidjits). So if you have n idjits, you
>> are much better off putting them all working on the same
>> problem and watching each-others back.
> They found the script.  I've changed the details to protect the #@%#$.
> rsh mymachine "cd /dir/that/does/not/exist/ ;  /usr/bin/find . -name 
> 'a.*'
> -exec /usr/bin/rm -f {} \;"
> Run as root (as opposed to the user which owned the directory which no
> longer existed; p.s. - that user no longer existed, either).
> First I laughed, then I cried.  I can't even begin to describe how 
> many ways
> that script violates basic tenets of intelligent thought.
> Groo, I challenge you to top this story (and will certainly enjoy the 
> story,
> anyway).
> -Jon