Subject: Re: Advance beer notice
To: '' <>
From: Lindgren, Jon <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 05/28/2003 07:13:00
> And the reason it went through me in the first place is
> Jon's potty-mouth. Stop saying "thinking".
I take offense to that. My mouth is much dirtier than a potty.
Just kill me now, groo. I've managed to be moderated on my very first post;
who knows what will follow.
> Apologies for the lateness of this email-- your moderator was seeing
> the Matrix Reloaded.
Any good? I was watching the extended edition of LOTR:FOTR. Yes, I'm
months behind the current state of the art, but that's why I fit in so well
at Goldin Snacks.
-Jon Lindgren