Subject: Cambridge University Scientific Society Talk (fwd)
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From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: regional-london
Date: 04/13/2007 10:20:56
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This might be of interest.

Dr. Stephen Borrill, Director and Systems Architect
Precedence Technologies Ltd              T: +44 (0) 8456 446 800
120 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road  F: +44 (0) 8456 446 899
Cambridge, CB4 0FZ, United Kingdom       W:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 13 Apr 2007 10:04:57 +0100
From: V.Ramesh <>
Subject: Cambridge University Scientific Society Talk

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm writing from the Cambridge University Scientific Society, to let you kn=
about an exciting event that we are organising on the 23rd April and which =
think employees of Precedence Technologies might be interested in. We have=
invited Prof Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++, to the Scientific Soci=
and he will be giving a talk on "C++0x as a new language". This really is a=
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear about one of the most ubiquitous=20
programming languages in computing today from its inventor!

This event is open to all, not just to members of the University and Scisoc=
and is only =A31 for non-members of our Society!

I have included details and an abstract from Prof Stroustrup below, and a=
poster is available at the URL mentioned in the email below. Could you=20
circulate the details around the company, and display the poster where=20
interested people might read it?

Many thanks,

Venkat Ramesh
Ex-Officio Publicity Officer
Cambridge University Scientific Society



Speaker:  Prof. Bjarne Stroustrup, Texas A&M University
Date:     Monday 23rd April 2007
Time:     8pm-9pm
Venue:    Pharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge
           (map at )
Entry:    =A31 for non-members. Open to all (not just CU students!)

See the poster at:

C++0x is an effort to embody the ideals of C++, rather than a mere incremen=
t of=20
C++98. This talk will illustrate C++'s general design principles, and the=
language constructs that support them. The description of C++0x is aimed at=
general computer science audience rather than just at C+ experts. The focus=
the talk will be the support for the design and implementation of libraries=
using object-oriented and generic programming techniques. Major language=20
features discussed include classes, exceptions, and templates. And the new=
(C+0x) facilities mentioned include concepts, initializer lists, auto, rval=
constructors, and garbage collection. Prof Stroustrup will briefly summariz=
the state of the ISO C + standard effort, and the additions culminating in=

Prof Bjarne Stroustrup is the College of Engineering Chair Professor in=20
Computer Science at Texas A&M University. After a degree in Mathematics and=
Computer Science at the University of Aarhus (Denmark), he undertook a PhD =
distributed systems at the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory. He the=
worked at Bell Labs for 24 years, before joining Texas A&M University. Prof=
Stroustrup is a Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, the recip=
of the IEEE Computer Society 2004 Computer Entrepreneur Award, and the Will=
Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement.


For further information on:

Our Society:
Pharmacology LT:
Bjarne Stroustrup:

The Cambridge University Scientific Society was founded in 1994 to promote =
public understanding of science. Membership is open to all members of the=
University, and is =A35 for one year or =A39 for life. Please email=20 for further details.

