Subject: Re: Burgers and beer on the 12th
To: David Sheryn <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: regional-london
Date: 01/08/2007 22:42:53
On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, David Sheryn wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Jonathan Perkin wrote:
>>>>> I'm in London on 10-12th and was hoping to meet up again (Fri
>>>>> 12th probably best for me). I'll be staying in the Hammersmith
>>>>> area so the George IV is good for me.
>>>> Couldn't make this evening, but 12th at George IV in Chiswick
>>>> sounds great to me.
>>> Probably time for a subject change then, to see if there are any
>>> more takers!
>> Sounds good, although in the past people have found it harder to
>> attend on a Friday if we wanted good coverage.
> Indeed. Would like to make it but cannot do Friday :-( Any chance of
> Thursday, perhaps a little closer in (Victoria ?)
Just when the intractable battle lines have been drawn between
those who cannot make friday and those who cannot make thursday...
I have a NetBSD using friend a yahoo who will be attending a
'friend leaving' do at De Hems pub in Soho on thursday evening,
and it might make for some interesting overlap (or possibly
separate enclaves with period salvos of IPBPs (Inter Pub
Ballistic Peanuts))
So, that should not make things any clearer...
David/absolute -- No hype required --