Subject: Re: Meeting in Cambridge at the 16th of June (was: Dates for the NetBSD meeting in Cambridge)
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: regional-london
Date: 06/11/2006 17:37:10
On Sun, Jun 11, 2006 at 04:35:00PM +0100, Stephen Borrill wrote:
> How many people are coming from further afield ...
Not me.
> Food starts at 6pm, it'll start getting busy by 7pm or so. I'm happy to go
> and put a stake in the ground (or should that be steak :-) ) a bit earlier
> to claim a decent seat. Weather permitting we could sit outside, of
> course.
Ok, my wife and I will try to claim a table at 6:00 pm.
Kind regards
Matthias Scheler