Subject: Re: Food & Beer tonight (Was: Sun external CD-Rom)
To: Steve Woodford <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: regional-london
Date: 11/15/2005 12:04:49
On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Steve Woodford wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 November 2005 00:42, David Brownlee wrote:
>> So, its likely to be tuesday or (slightly less favoured) wednesday.
>> Erik, do you have a preference?
> Unless someone says otherwise, I'm going to assume it's happening
> tonight.
Tonight works for me.
> Usual time/place?
Unfortunately that does not - as the Lone Star steak house has
closed. There is a Gourmet Burger Kitchen close by instead which
is probably going to do in a pinch. We'll start in the George IV
as ever - around 7pm, then probably
only GBK a little later.
If anyone needs to confirm/check I'll have my mbile chanrged :)
07973 221 970
David/absolute -- No hype required --