Subject: Re: Meeting on Monday 24th January
To: None <>
From: Michael Blake <>
List: regional-london
Date: 01/10/2005 16:11:34
Hi All
Chiswick sounds good to me as I'm driving from Buckinghamshire area (High
Can you give me the address of William IV?
Many tks,
Quoting Alistair Crooks <>:
> Looks like overwhelming support for meeting up on Monday 24th January
> 2005.
> Stage 3, then, the venue - we've always met up in William IV in
> Chiswick - the reason is that it's fairly central, everyone knows it,
> and we can usually get seats quite easily. Then on to the steak
> restaurant. Does anyone
> (a) have any problems with the places
> (b) do we want to find better ones, or
> (c) postpone the discussion until it can be more interactive, like
> in 2 weeks time at the William IV in Chiswick?
> My preference is (c).
> Also, how would people feel about making the meeting more regular,
> like every 4 weeks after 24th January, and if people can make it,
> great, if not, then see you at the next one?
> Regards,
> Alistair
Michael Blake
IT Consultant | Headbyte Limited
Tel: + 44 7909 844273