Subject: Re: Hankaku Katakana
To: None <>
From: Joel Rees <>
List: regional-jp
Date: 11/18/2004 01:14:53
On 2004.11.16, at 02:58 PM, Curt Sampson wrote:
> Is there some sort of issue with Hankaku Katakana in our iconv? I
> can work with it ok in UTF-8, but if I try to save it in vim with
> fileencoding=Shift_JIS, I can't. In fact, from a UTF-8 file containing
> half-width katakana:
This really doesn't answer your question, but the 8 bit katakana are
deprecated in the Unicode world. Also, Shift-JIS half-width katakana
are a real pain in the neck to work with, and are often not supported.
vim handles Japanese lately in some configurations, but I've never
tried half-width katakana on it. Have you been able to save those
characters from vim in the past?