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[Fwd: LinuxTag: Call for Papers]

Liebe Leute,

da ich dieses Jahr am LinuxTag aktiv teilnehmen werde, meine Frage in
die Runde: Wer würde oder wird die Anmeldung und Betreuung für einen
NetBSD-Stand (sicherlich wieder als BSD-Gemeinschaftsstand mit den
FreeBSDlern und vllt. einigen anderen) übernehmen?

Die Anmeldung auf ist eigentlich einfach.
Falls aber Fragen sind, stehe ich natürlich zur Verfügung.

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Title: LinuxTag: Call for Papers

Dear Thomas Kaepernick,

since you contributed in the past to LinuxTag, we'd like to update you about this year's event scheduled for May 8 - 10, 2014 in Berlin, Germany . We stay in Germany's capital, but a lot of other exiting things change: First of all, we team up with droidcon , the world's larges independent summit for Android developer and re:publica , one of the world’s most important festivals for the digital society. We also move the venue right into the heart of Berlin, to an industrial landmark, a loungy former railway station in Berlin's Kreuzberg quarter.

Behind the scenes we've taken over the organization of the whole event and are thus much more flexible for special arrangements . LinuxTag Association still organizes the program in a non-for-profit way and depends thus on support from sponsors . You could help LinuxTag by sending us appropriate contacts from your marketing or recruiting departments to , if this is feasible. Your help is highly appreciated.

Our Call for Papers is open as in previous years at

Virtual Conference Center

and is waiting for your proposals until Feburary 7, 2014. Our program committee decided to focus the conference on nine main topics. Click on the links to find out about the holistic idea behind the subjects originating from the day-to-day experiences of Linux and Open Source users, administrators, and developers:

We appreciate any proposals and ask you to relay this message to friends, team members, or co-workers . Apart from the main topics, we also gladly accept proposals for other subjects . Additionally, for the first time we have also the opportunity to have more informal lectures, workshops, or mini barcamps in the evening, since we may use the venue until late.

We're also looking for session chairs , who support reviewing proposals, and moderators/crew members who help us during the conference. If you are interested, drop us a note at .

Don't hestitate to ask if you have questions. Suggest ideas to improve LinuxTag.

On behalf of the conference team,
Tobias Paepke and Nils Magnus

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