Subject: Re: DEC sun3 gear available in Ottawa
To: None <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: regional-ca
Date: 11/13/2007 19:42:19
Hash: SHA1
>>>>> "Douglas" == Douglas A Tutty <> writes:
Douglas> The info I've found says that the Sun 3/50 takes a max of 4
Douglas> MB ram and
Douglas> runs at 15.7 MHz, while the Sun 3/160 takes max 16 MB and
Douglas> runs at 16.67
Douglas> MHz. Is this wrong? What NetBSD port do they use? What
Douglas> size drive do
Douglas> they have?
No drive is in the case of either unit.
You can network boot them, or find a SCSI drive. (You'll need a
special cable). I doubt I have a cable, but I could look. I might still
have a 660Mb drive.
Douglas> Please clarify what you mean by "but I run 1.4T". 1.4
Douglas> Twhat? 1.4 TB drives?
NetBSD 1.4.
Honestly, if you don't know much about these, I don't suggest
learning with them. These machines were used in 1990 (i.e. obsoleted
by businesses) They were completely obsolete in 1995.
Making them work would be a significant effort for someone who is an
expert in the equipment. I stopped running 24Mb colour Sun 3/60s in
1997. Had I 3/50s or 3/160s, it would have been in 1993.
The thing about a Sun3 is that it's too complex for random hardware
hacking, but not really useful for anything else. It has no digital I/O
or analog I/O and you can't wirewrap anything up to it.
If you want to learn about old stuff, I suggest a C=64. Seriously.
Or if you want to play with old stuff that can run Unix, then get
something that is known to be working when you get it.
- --
] Bear: "Me, I'm just the shape of a bear." | firewalls [
] Michael Richardson, Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
] |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
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