Subject: Re: Come to the eighth annual hackers barbecue!
To: None <>
From: Greg 'groggy' Lehey <>
List: regional-au
Date: 12/15/2007 16:06:02
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On Thursday, 6 December 2007 at 11:50:40 +1100, Greg Lehey wrote:
> For eight years now I've held a barbecue for computer hackers round
> Christmas time--see
> if you're not aware of it.
> In the past I've invited a select few to this event, mainly from
> Adelaide, but in July this year I moved to Dereel, Victoria, about 100
> km line of sight west of Melbourne. This means that I can now invite
> people who almost certainly wouldn't have come before. Take a look at
> for details of how to get here.
> If you're interested in coming, please reply to me and let me know
> what dates in the range 20 December to 6 January to will suit you.
The feedback has been surprisingly in favour of Saturday, 5 January
2008, so that's when it will be. Please let me know if you want to
come (and how many of you there will be), so that we can plan things.
To add to the general amusement, this year's barbecue will also
include a wedding. David Yeardley, a neighbour, wants to come to the
barbecue, but he's getting married at 11 am that day, so we've decided
to make it the wedding reception.
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