Subject: visiting SA
To: None <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: regional-au
Date: 12/21/2004 22:15:25
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Ang decided we should take a short trip to get me away from work, so
we're going to be in Adelaide (and surrounds) from the 26th to 28th,
doing a little exploring and perhaps visiting some wineries if we get
the time.
It'd be great to catch up with the SA contingent while there.
Probably the most convenient and suitable time would be on the
afternoon of the 28th, I think we fly out around 20:15. Suggestions
for suitable pleasant venues welcome :)
Or at least Ang will; it seems I might stay on a day or two, because
work decided it would miss me, followed me, and seems to have found
stuff for me to do in Adelaide "since I'm there".
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