Subject: Re: sun hardware up for grabs
To: Brett Lymn <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: regional-au
Date: 08/12/2004 20:33:40
On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 08:11:37PM +0930, Brett Lymn wrote:
> 1 SS10
> 1 SS20 + sqec + vsimm prestoserve + gx (I think) dual cpu
> 2 or 3 axil SS5 clones in SS1 cases (at least 120Mhz Turbosparc's)
> 2xipx
> 1xipc
I found a couple more machines, some Axil turbosparc ss5 clones in ipc
boxen and a couple of alphastation 400's. I found to my dismay that
the ss10 seems to have had it's power supply ratted - there is a psu
for it but I suspect the psu is dead.
Greg Lehey came out and picked up all the machines. He is reserving
first picking rights (fair enough :) but said that he is making a road
trip to Melbourne in the near future and may be able to squeeze in a
few machines. So if you are interested in a machine you should
contact Greg and make some arrangements. Note that most of the axil
clones are fully loaded with memory... about 192Meg it my memory
serves me correctly (no pun intended).
> a couple of speaker boxes.
These are taken.
Brett Lymn