Subject: [SAGE-VIC] Talk -- 11am MONDAY 31 May: Internet Mapping Experiences, Bill Cheswick
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From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: regional-au
Date: 05/31/2004 09:46:22
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This might be of interest ...
----- Forwarded message from Michael Ciavarella <> -----
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 11:06:41 +1000
From: (Michael Ciavarella)
Subject: [SAGE-VIC]=20
Talk -- 11am MONDAY 31 May: Internet Mapping Experiences,
Bill Cheswick
Hi all,
Some of you may find the following talk interesting if you can get
Time: MONDAY 31 May 2004, 11:00am - 12:00noon
Venue: Theatre 3, ICT Building
111 Barry Street, CARLTON
Speaker: Bill Cheswick, Chief Scientist, Lumeta Corp. NJ.
Title: Experiences with Internet and Intranet Mapping
The Internet Mapping Project started at Bell Labs in 1997 to
collect long term Internet topological data and visualize the
results. In 1999 we focused on the Serbian internet during the
NATO bombing, and observed major connectivity disruptions.
In 2000, this technology was spun off to a startup company,
Lumeta. Since then, Lumeta has enhanced this technology and
scanned over fifty large corporate intranets, and a number of
critical government networks. We can now report generalized
characteristics of these large networks, showing variations in
network management techniques and control over large networks.
We are now working on tools to configure the Honeyd anti-hacking
tool to emulate these large networks.
About the speaker:
Ches has been out and about in the Internet security field since
the late 1980s. He is known for his early work in firewalls
and proxies, and for the book he has co-authored with Steve
Bellovin and now Avi Rubin. In summer 2000 Ches helped spin off
the Internet cartography he did at Bell Labs with Hal Burch into
a startup, Lumeta Corp, which explores the extent and perimeter
hosts of corporate and government intranets.
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