Subject: Re: what handheld or low-power computer?
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: None <>
List: port-zaurus
Date: 03/28/2007 10:25:45 wrote:
> > You might be able to tell from the tone of this post that I'm pretty
> > keen on these gizmos, and you'd be right. It's really a laptop in a very
> > small form factor (complete with USB, sound chip and wireless networking
> > via a compact flash port). I just can't understand why Sharp never
> > officially sold them much, if at all, outside Japan.
> Thanks for all the info. You mentioned your touch screen and sound and
> USB, but the says not yet supported:
> * Sound chip (zaudio)
> * USB Controller (pxaudc)
> * Touch panel (ztp)
> * SD/MMC
> * Power management and suspend
> Why does it say not supported?
> I cc'd this to the Zaurus list. I think this may be a system like I want
> to use... Thanks again.
> Jeremy C. Reed
Hi Jeremy,
OpenBSD has a far more mature port to the Zaurus at the moment than NetBSD:
It's probably the best bet for day to day use if you need audio and touch screen
support. Hopefully the NetBSD port can benefit from the work of the OpenBSD
people and quickly get to on a par in terms of feature support.