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Re: Xen 4.18 doesn't display on an iDRAC-6 console, and NetBSD console=pc locks up early in boot

At Thu, 11 Jan 2024 17:45:43 +0100, Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost> wrote:
Subject: Re: Xen 4.18 doesn't display on an iDRAC-6 console, and NetBSD console=pc locks up early in boot
> > 1. Xen does not display anything on the console.
> I've set up Xen on a newer system and didn't have issue with the VGA
> console. In by case it was a UEFI setup though.
> Are you using UEFI or legacy BIOS ?

I'm pretty sure it is using the legacy BIOS.

The machine is a Dell PE R510, and the original install was done quite
some years ago when NetBSD-7.0 was in vogue.

Since I can't seem to send an attachment to the list at the moment I'll
just mention that the lockup always seems to occur just after:

	Xen vcpu0 clock: using event channel 14
	entropy: hardclock attached [[...]] (collecting)
	entropy: cpu0 attached [[...]] (off)

pckbc0 and the resulting wskbd0 have already attached just beforehand,
but without a video recording (*) I don't know what's happened further

(*) too bad that idrac java app can't record the console as video, as
after all that's basically what it's receiving -- it even shows the
frames-per-second count.

> Did you try playing with the various vga= options to Xen ?

Yes, all to no avail.

I do get the menu with "vga=ask", and I can interact with /xen to choose
different options, and some actually seem to change the display, but
nothing I tried allowed either the "(XEN)" messages to appear, nor to
prevent /netbsd from locking up during boot.

> With vga=keep Xen would then display the dom0's kernel message, but you
> can't input anything to the dom0's kernel.

Sorry, I meant:


(which is what I have on my working /boot.cfg line)

> > I'm guessing that with "/xen console=com1,vga" that the hypervisor hides
> > the com0 from the dom0.
> yes, that's it. But you should see the Xen boot messages on com0 then
> (and the dom0's boot messages with comsole=xencons)

If only I had a serial console connection to that machine.....

(With the Dell iDRAC I'm told it could be possible to do IPMI SOL, but
unfortunately the iDRAC is on a private network which I only have access
to via an SSH tunnel, and as a result it is difficult to impossible to
get that to work.)

					Greg A. Woods <gwoods%acm.org@localhost>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <woods%robohack.ca@localhost>
Planix, Inc. <woods%planix.com@localhost>     Avoncote Farms <woods%avoncote.ca@localhost>

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