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Re: Trouble installing a NetBSD domU

On Jun 27, 12:37pm, Alaric Snell-Pym wrote:
} On 26/06/16 20:40, John Nemeth wrote:
} > } vif=['mac=aa:00:00:d1:00:2,bridge=bridge0']
} > 
} >      Is the bridge configured and up?
} I believe so - it's <UP,RUNNING>:
} pkbs# ifconfig -a
} [...]
} bridge0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING> mtu 1500
} xvif18i0:
} flags=8963<MULTICAST> mtu 1500
} 	capabilities=2800<TCP4CSUM_Tx,UDP4CSUM_Tx>
} 	enabled=0
} 	address: aa:00:00:d2:00:02
} 	inet6 fe80::a800:ff:fed2:2%xvif18i0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6

     What about brconfig -a?

}-- End of excerpt from Alaric Snell-Pym

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