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Re: proposed pullup request to remove DIAGNOSTIC/DEBUG from netbsd-5

	Hello.  As a data point, I run NetBSD-5 both as a xen dom0 and as a
domU with debugging and diagnostic turned off in production and I've not
had any trouble.

On Mar 26,  7:53am, Greg Troxel wrote:
} Subject: Re: proposed pullup request to remove DIAGNOSTIC/DEBUG from netbs
} --=-=-=
} Content-Type: text/plain
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} Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost> writes:
} > On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 06:55:52PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
} >> [...]
} >> It's not useful to remove these to hide the bug, but they do slow down
} >> the kernel, especially DEBUG.  And normal policy is that DIAGNOSTIC is
} >> enabled in -current and not on release branches, and DEBUG (and
} >> LOCKDEBUG, etc.) is always off.
} >
} > I think this policy was not already in place when netbsd-5 was
} > branched.
} >
} >> This patch moves netbsd-5 back to the normal policy.  I've tested
} >> kernels with this change: amd64 dom0, i386 domU.   I intend to submit a
} >> pullup request to have this applied; speak up if you think I shouldn't.
} >
} > I wonder if this could cause new bugs to show up. netbsd-5 has not
} > been that well tested without DEBUG/DIAGNOSTIC for Xen ...
} That's true.
}   We have a plan now to have DIAGNOSTIC enabled on netbsd-7 and to turn
}   it off just at the moment of release.  This doesn't feel so different.
}   In theory, DIAGNOSTIC and DEBUG merely add extra checks for things
}   that have gone wrong and if so panic.  So turning them off should not
}   cause any usage that works now to start failing
}   I'm not proposing to touch netbsd-5-2.
}   The risk of trouble seems low, and this is easy to back out if so.
} Are you saying "please don't", or just pointing out that we don't have a
} lot of experience with netbsd-5 w/o DIAGNOSTIC,DEBUG?
} =20=20
} --=-=-=
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} =LGbi
} --=-=-=--
>-- End of excerpt from Greg Troxel

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