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NetBSD XEN Snapshots.

Hi again.
I have a Windows Server 2003 R2 as a DomU in my NetBSD XEN.
I'm working with the XL framework. 
My virtual disk is with qcow2 format, here is it's line in win2k3.cfg
domain config file: 
disk = [ 'tap:qcow:/xen/domains/win2k3/win2k3.qcow2,hda,w' ]
I'm trying to perform a snapshot of my virtual disk with the command:
qemu-img-xen snapshot -c default win2k3.qcow2  
Is it correct? 
I'm having this error:
qemu-img: Could not create snapshot 'default': -1 (Operation not
How can I make a success snapshot of my virtual disk? 
And, how can I apply a performed snapshot? 
In a GNU\Debian with XEN similar to my NetBSD box, I performed this
test, so I sucessfully created a  snapshot with the name default, but
when I applyed that with the command: qemu-img-xen snapshot -a default
My VM didn't came to the state it was when I created the snapshot.
What's wrong? 
Thank you.

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

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