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Re: PAE, PCI pass-through

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
I did a bunch of xen-related commits yesterday, here's some words
about it:

- I fixed a size mismatch between function prototypes and assembly
  implementation of bus_space when PAE is defined. With this hardware
  drivers are working with PAE kernels. After fixing a few printf formats
  and type mismatch it's possible to build a working PAE XEN3_DOM0
  kernel. I added a XEN3PAE_DOM0 kernel config, but it's not built
  by default for now. I also updated the xenkernel3 package to
  install PAE xen kernels in addition to non-PAE ones.
  Upgrading to PAE is just a matter of installing a PAE-enabled xen.gz
  and /netbsd, and PAE kernels for domUs, no other changes are required.

- I commited the xen3 PCI front-end device. To use it, add to your
  domU config file
xpci* at xenbus ?
pci* at xpci ?
  and then the PCI drivers you need.
  It has been succesffully tested only with ahc(4) and piixide(4).
  uhci(4) failed trying to allocate a large contigous DMA buffer;
  this needs to be tracked down.
  For now, you need a linux dom0 to use it.

That's pretty cool. Well done and thank you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who greatly appreciates your efforts.

Out of curiosity, if I were to require /dev/sd0 (a usb disk attached to dom0) as a physical device (rather than a virtual one) under a domu, would that require usb to be passed to the domu?

Just asking the question has made me think 'yes', as I would need the attach/detach routines available ... unless there is something else that can communicate this ...

Thanks again,


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