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Re: NetBSD/Xen How to - suggestions

Hubert Feyrer wrote:
On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Sarton O'Brien wrote:
Has anyone played with grub2?
No, but while on the subject: has anyone played with pygrub (or is there 
an alternative), to not require domU kernels sit on the dom0 file system?
Being part of xentools I'd imagine there are probably only two people on 
this list that could even attempt it's use :)
I'm curious of the perceived benefits ... other than manual config 
changes and the consolidation of the running kernel and the domu 
reference kernel ... Is the benefit mainly time saving?
As for grub2, the known bugs page states:

*The PC partition map seems not to work with BSD disklabels any longer.
*Sun disklabels also aren't working.

So it's probably not worth even trying at this stage.


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