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Re: Which Platform?

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Freidank, Kenneth wrote:
I'm facing a delima.  I want to put Xen on as a production level server
with individual domains serving the user community.  I can't figure out
from all the posts, which NetBSD and pkgsrc xen tools versions would
best serve my intentions.

Anyone have recommendations on the best (most stable) platform to use
for dom0?

Well, we'd say NetBSD :)

NetBSD apparently has the edge over Linux for speed of virtual disk access.

NetBSD 3.1?

That's what I use, but it's Xen2 only. Our Xen3 doesn't support PCI export to DomU, but has other advantages. We don't have things like xm migrate yet.


pkgsrc-Q4 at least. On dom0 you aren't going to have too many packages so you won't get to play dependency hell if you choose -current.

NetBSD current?

Yes if you need Xen3. If it's production, then I'd be tempted to stick to 3.1_STABLE (N.B. _STABLE). -current a bit too much of a moving target for me (especially at the moment - hi ad@!).

Can a higher version of NetBSD run as domU than run as dom0?

Yes, feel free to mix as you see fit.

Are there problems mixing and matching pkgsrc versions with the NetBSD versions?

Not really, but make sure you stick to either the release branch of pkgsrc or current (nothing any older). I use -current on dom0 and the release branch of pkgsrc on domU with which I build up a shared vnd I mount read-only across domUs.


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