Subject: Create a virtualdisk.
To: None <>
From: Micke A <>
List: port-xen
Date: 01/21/2007 11:35:22

I'm try to install NetBSD in a NetBSD domain0, I have problems with
the "virutal disk". I have create the virutal file with dd. But I'cant
formate it.

Any one here who have ha tutorial/howto how to make virtualdisks under
NetBSD. I have tried in FreeBSD 6.0 with no problem, I can formate it
( newfs diskFile.img ) and mount it ( mdconfig -a -f diskFile.img ;
mount /dev/md0 /mnt ).

But I cant make this work in NetBSD, I'm using NetBSD 3.1, with xen
2.0 (I'm using Xen 2.0 because I haved problems with the 3.0.3
release, int hangs then i boots)..

// Micke