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Re: Midnight crashes

On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 11:22:47AM -0500, Marcello Balduccini wrote:
> Hi!
> I have been running NetBSD/xen as Dom0 and (my only) DomU for the last few 
> days, and it has been running great, except for the fact that the computer 
> panics exactly once every night, *always* around midnight (more precisely, I 
> think it is between 12:13am and 12:16am). At the moment of the crash, Dom0 is 
> idle and DomU has a moderate load (just running a few text-processing 
> scripts). Notice that the computer runs perfectly all day under the same load 
> conditions. I checked all crons several times, and by now I am pretty sure 
> that the only cron that might be running is a very small one that anyway runs 
> once a minute all day every day withouth giving problems (and as of now 
> simply starts up, checks if a file is empty or non-existent, and exits 
> without doing anything else).
> I am running NetBSD from the 20050408-3.0_BETA binary snapshot. As Xen 
> kernel, 
> I use the "xen205-loadksym.gz" available from arch/xen/xen20. I have copied 
> both netbsd-XEN0 and netbsd-XENU kernels as /netbsd on the respective root 
> file systems.
> Last night, I finally logged the serial console output, and got the attached 
> output by running bt in ddb. As you can see, the problem seems to be network 
> related (output of ifconfig -a is also attached below).

Hum, please update your domU kernel to the last 3.0_BETA sources.
YAMAMOTO Takashi fixed an issue with pool corruption in xennet a few days ago,
it has been pulled up to the 3.0 branch yesterday.

Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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