Subject: DOM0: Invalid guest OS image
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-xen
Date: 12/29/2004 12:42:49
I've tried

 	Could not find device eth0: using dummy device
 	Device dummy opened and ready for use.
 	DOM0: Invalid guest OS image

 	Could not set up DOM0 guest OS
 	Aieee! CPU0 is toast...

 	Reboot in five seconds...

My /grub/menu.lst has:

 	root (hd0,0,a)
 	title NetBSD/xen
 		kernel /grub/xen-1.2.gz dom0_mem=65535
 		module /grub/xen12load
 		module /grub/xen12netbsd

xen12load is already padded to a 4-byte-boundary, and I've also tried with 
a xen12netbsd that was padded. I've tried self-built Xen kernels from 
NetBSD 2.0 sources, with the same result for both XEN and GENERIC.
The xen-1.2.gz I used is from the xen12-040418 package, I've also tried 
the xen-1.2-fixed-ide.gz from, they all bring the same 
result "DOM0: Invalid guest OS image", in any combination.

What do I do wrong? Can someone with working Xen share their /grub/*?

  - Hubert

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