Subject: Re: Xen HowTo - the first part
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: TLD <>
List: port-xen
Date: 12/10/2004 13:00:03
Michael Kukat wrote:
> - In several places, the size of NetBSD kernel must be a multiple of 4. To get
> sure, or if you run in strange problems, do the following:
> ls -l netbsd to get the size of the kernel (netbsd stands for any kernel name
> here)
> echo $((<size>%4)) to get modulo 4 of the kernel size (replace <size> with the
> value from ls -l)
> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=<len> >>netbsd
> to pad the kernel. replace <len> with the output of the above echo statement
> and netbsd with the name of the kernel you are working on.

<len> must be 4 minus the value of the echo statement
eg. if you have 3, you need 1 pad byte

> - Currently i have the problem of NetBSD not really booting, but standing
> latest at "copying in /sbin/init" or so, eating up all CPU (you see this in

Actually, the exact message I get is
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
but the result is the same: eternal wait

> effect. Currently, this is a complete showstopper, as i now don't know where
> to hunt further. Any hints?

The only XEN DOM0 kernel I can boot is CD's, although it requires user
intervention (asks for root fs position & type), but otherwise works.

I wish whoever made that CD would give away the configuration file...

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