Subject: Re: Real hardware, and snapshots?
To: None <>
From: Andy Isaacson <>
List: port-x86_64
Date: 04/24/2003 12:35:58
On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 10:12:57PM -0700, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
> (Perry E. Metzger) writes:
> > Also, where can one now get real hardware?
> The only retail motherboard that shows up on AMD's site as "AMD
> Approved" is the MSI K8D.
> Someone else found a priceline hit for this at $482.  (Thats without
> the opterons or dram.)  While that price is better than a $10k newisys
> box, it is still not going to be cheap once one adds 2 opterons and
> dram.

I have queried a few vendors, and I got quotes around $2400 for a
2P-2G-2U-2GigE box.  From my calculations, once the motherboards are
actually available, it should be possible to build a whitebox system for
about $1900.  (Dual Opteron 240, 2GB ECC RAM, dual GigE, 80GB disk, in a
standard minitower ATX case.)  The MSI K8D is coming in around $500,
and the Opteron 240 around $300.
